Chapter 6: A Single Step

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In your sleep, you toss and turn as visions fly by you. Scrambled memories at different points of your journey, flashing by you in no particular order. You saw so many things: Tower, the New Ring, your death. But one memory in particular stuck to you, it was of a particular Uruk and Olog duo. A pair who unknowingly fought against you, helped you, protected you. There was enough trust that you called them friends at one point.

You wondered what has happened to them, to the rest of your orcs back in Mordor. Without you there, you are certain that your fortresses are being besieged and taken. You weren't sorrowful at the deaths of your orcs, most of them were cannon fodder you recruited to toughen up your ranks. But there were a select few who you invested in heavily, spending thousands of Mirian to train them into your elite.

Oh well. At least you can hope most of them die a warrior's death like so many Uruk and Olog enjoy doing...especially those masochistic ones. Ugh, the memory of all the Pain Seekers you killed, the ones you can remember at least, weren't pleasant.

Regardless of these visions, your sleep is undisturbed and you manage to get an ample amount of rest. Your eyes blink awake, sitting up in your sleeping bag as you yawn and wipe the grogginess from your eyes.

"Morning Talion." Ruby greets you as you look up to see the young girl brushing her teeth.

"Morning Ruby." Getting up, you watch as other students begin to roll up their sleeping bags. Imitating their movements, you roll up the bedding and tie it tight. "Did you rest well?"

"Yup! Even though I am really nervous inside, I'm also really excited!" She spits into a cup, mumbling a 'sorry' as she wipes her mouth with a red towel.

"You certainly are awfully chipper this morning!" Yang walks up, two paper cups with light steam coming from them. "Morning Talion, coffee?"

You take the cup, taking a deep whiff and enjoying the rich aroma. Even if coffee was seen as more a thing for the hobbits and dwarves, you also enjoy a good cup now and again. Nodding gratefully, you take a sip as Ruby finishes her brushing.

"That's because today there is no more 'getting to know you' talk! Today, I let my sweetheart do all of the talking." She speaks of Crescent Rose. The three of you walk to the locker rooms of Beacon, continuing the conversation.

"Just remember Ruby, you won't be alone during initiation. All of us will be there and from what I can guess, teamwork is critical to being a Huntress or Huntsman." You lightly ruffle her hair.

"Uuuuugh, you sound like my dad!" She pouts and looks away. Yang laughs softly and hugs her sister.

"To be fair that is definitely something he would say. Talion is right though, if you want to grow up you have to meet new people and work together."

"Okay for one, what does meeting with people have to do with fighting? And two, I don't need people to help me grow up. I'll have you both know I drink milk."

"You do know we're going to have to form teams right?" Yang points to her sister. You were a bit confused by that.

"Teams?" You ask as the three of you enter the locker room. Already many others are suiting up in armor and grabbing their weapons for the day ahead, while the sisters were still in pajamas.

"Yeah. During training we have to form into teams of four, our family did so when they were here at Beacon." Yang explains to you while you process the information. "Surprised you didn't know this, Talion."

"I mean, my father emphasized teamwork among the Rangers. But we were also hard pressed to learn how to survive on our own. Frankly, I've always been a one man army who saw working with others as bothersome. No offense of course."

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