Chapter 4: Welcome to Beacon 2

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The two of you introduce yourselves as you get up with Jaune's help.

"Wait, aren't you the guy who was running up and down the ship throwing up?" Ruby asks with a teasing smile.


"Look, all I'm saying is that motion sickness is much more common than people like to admit," Jaune argues as you and Ruby follow along. The three of you were currently wandering around campus. At first, it was to find the assembly hall, but conversations make for good distractions.

"I can't argue with that, Jaune. However, I believe a fear of heights is much worse than motion sickness." You respond with a counter-argument.

"Oh, come on, it isn't so bad. Besides, Vomit Boy is all I could come up with." Ruby giggles, hiding her face behind a hand.

"Oh yeah? Well, how about if I called you Crater Face?"

"Oh, come on! That explosion was a complete accident."

"It was also the fault of that Schnee girl not watching her belongings."

"Well, look- the name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, and rolls off the tongue. The girls love it!" He gestures with his arms spread.

"Do they? Then why are they not lining up to fawn over you?" You raise a brow and smirk, Ruby giggling even more.

"H-hey! They will, in time... But, I mean, my mom always says that- eh, forget it. They never will." That brings out another round of laughs.

", I got this thing." Ruby unfolds Crescent Rose onto the ground, making you jump back.

"A little warning next time, Ruby?" You say as you nearly stumble over, righting yourself.


"Woah! Is...that a scythe?"

"Yup! Custom built, she is also a high-impact sniper rifle," Ruby explains her weapon, but neither you nor Jaune follow her words.

"A what?" He says for both of you.

"She's also a gun."

"A...gun? Is that what these weapons are called?" You ask as you run your hand over the barrel of Crescent Rose.

"Yeah, a gun. Are they not common where you are from, Talion?"

"No, as I said, Ruby, my homeland is much more traditional regarding weapons. We do have crossbows, at least. Still, it is a fascinating weapon."

"Yeah, he's right. It's really cool!" Jaune looks in awe at the scythe before Ruby puts it down.

"So, what do you have?" She asks both of you.

"Well, you saw that I have my sword, but I also carry around a dagger for a more stealthy approach." You say as you tap the sheaths of your weapons, taking out Oathbreaker for them to see.

"But, you don't have a shield or any ranged weapons. Doesn't that make combat a little difficult?" Ruby asks as she runs her fingers along the flat of the blade.

"Not entirely. I can easily dodge such attacks and have a bow and throwing daggers I can use." You tell them. They both look confused, likely since you aren't physically carrying said weapons. You point to a nearby tree behind a bench. "Look over at that tree."

Both of them turn and watch. Your hand glows into the sickly green of your wraith as you underhand throw a knife, the spectral blade soaring through the air and lodging into the tree trunk. Both of them turn back to you as it disappears.

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