Chapter 5: A Path To Uncover

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The night came and you set up inside of the gathering hall with the rest of the students. While everyone went to go change into their pajamas and stow their clothing, you went outside. But not before dismissing your armor and weapons into your inventory.


Inside the hall, Ruby and Yang lay on their sleeping bags as the younger sister writes a letter. Yang flops down next to her in a dramatic pose.

"It's like one big ol' slumber party!"

"Dad wouldn't approve of all the boys though." Ruby responds, not breaking away from her letter.

"I know I do." Yang looks up at a lot of the male students who only wore pants...then at Jaune who wore a onesie. That shifts her thoughts, turning them instead to Talion. She didn't know what it was but, she does find the young Ranger to be handsome. "Whatcha writing there baby sis?"

"A letter to the gang back home at Signal. I made a promise to them that I'd write about Beacon and how it goes." Ruby answers, but at seeing her sister's grin she tosses a pillow at him. "Not funny!"

"I'm not laughing Ruby. Actually, I find it really cuuuute~!"

"To you. I didn't get to take my friends here, Yang. It feels so weird being here and not knowing anyone..."

"What about Jaune?" She mentions the blonde boy...who was currently snuggling a teddy bear and reading a children's book.

"He's...nice enough I guess...kinda childish though..."

"Well there you go! Already got a new friend!" Yang quips. Ruby sighs and turns onto her back.

"Pretty sure Weiss counts as a 'negative friend'. Back to none..."

"Ruby come ooooon, there's no such thing as negative friends. What about Talion?" She brings him up, looking past her sister at the empty sleeping bag meant for him. "Hey, where is he anyway?"

"I don't know. When we went to go put away our stuff he told me he needed some air. Should still be outside."

"Oh, let's go get him then!" Yang suggests and Ruby turns to her.

"What? Why?"

"Well, it's already pretty late and we do need to get a good night's sleep. Come on!" Getting up, Yang throws on a yellow hoodie. Ruby, even if reluctant, puts on a black hoodie and follows her sister. The two pass by a girl in black robes, Ruby recognizing as the girl earlier with Weiss.

Yang nudges her sister, whispering. "Hey isn't that the girl from earlier who walked away before you spoke with her? Now's your chance!"

Hearing Yang speak, the girl looks up from her book and between the two sisters. Her yellow eyes land on Ruby, "Aren't you the girl who exploded earlier with the guy in armor?"

"Yeah! Uh, I'm Ruby by the way...! Or you can just- call me crater-...ugh." Ruby fumbles her words.

"What are you doing?" Yang whispers.

"I don't know! This was your idea, help me here!" She responds.

Yang straightens up and looks at the girl as she watches the sisters with disinterest. "I'm Yang! Ruby's older sister! What's your name?"

"Blake." Is the one word reply.

"Well...Blake, lovely night don't you think?" She makes an attempt to start a conversation with Blake, who rebuffs it.

"It is this book I'm trying to read and will continue to once you leave." She moves the book up, her eyes going back to its pages and dismissing the sisters.

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