Chapter 8: Stomping Grounds (2)

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"Weiss behind you!" You warn the Schnee heiress as you crush a Beowolf's skull beneath your boot while impaling another on your sword. Weiss turns to the attacking Grimm and blocks it with her rapier, standing straight and slowly beginning to ready herself for combat.

'Now is not the time for stance recital!' You monologue internally, not being able to shout it to Weiss since you are still handling a group of Grimm.

Going into the Wraith World, you draw your bow and Shadow Strike a Beowolf, impaling its stomach before decapitating it swiftly. Chaining your Strike, you call upon your Wraith to slit the throat of another and then beat down a third with a hammer. Going back into reality, you hear Weiss launch an attack, only for a gust of wind to zoom by you.

"Gotcha!" You hear Ruby's voice, quickly turning. Good thing you did, as currently there was a wave of flame coming towards you! Jumping out of the way, you watch it impact a nearby tree, setting it alight. "Hey! Watch where you point that thing, Weiss!"

"Excuse me?! You're the one who appeared from nowhere! That attack could've seriously injured you, maybe even fatally!" Weiss stomps her boot, and you quickly zip over to where they are, startling both.

"Argue later; we still have a problem to deal with!" You sigh and roll your eyes, turning away from them while clutching your sword tight. The three of you are ready for battle, only for the burning tree to topple and ignite the surrounding treeline. "Change of plans, we're leaving!"

Grabbing both of them by the arm, you call upon Elven Agility to boost your speed significantly as you dash away from the pack of Beowolves, who also start to retreat in the opposite direction. You don't know how long you're running, but once you're sure the blaze is far away, you stop and let both of them go.

"There...that far enough." You pant softly, a slight headache forming as you realize you used up nearly all your Focus to boost your speed. A thick plume of smoke now lies where you just were, the fire indeed expanding further with all of the kindling close by.

"What- what the heck was that for, Talion? That should've been easy!" Ruby lightly slaps your shoulder, and you turn to her, your eyebrow twitching slightly.

"And fight inside of a roaring blaze? Ruby, have you lost your mind? And you!" You turn to Weiss while pointing at her. "What the hell was that? You know we're in a forest, yet you decide to use flaming attacks?!"

"It wouldn't have happened had Ruby taken even the tiniest bit of caution with her strikes! Why am I receiving blame here when she was the one who caused me to alter the flame's path abruptly?" Weiss retorts, throwing her arms around. You pinch the bridge of your nose as Ruby starts arguing back.

"What? How is that my fault? Just like he said, why are you using fire when we're in a forest, Weiss!"

"How can you talk so much yet communicate so little, Ruby? Of all the targets to choose, you chose the one I focused on!"

"Well excuse me for wanting to compliment your need of help for a fight, I can do just fine on my own Ice Queen!"

"Congratulations, you are the strongest child to have snuck her way into the Headmaster's good graces just so she can get into Beacon."

Ruby yells and slices a tree down with her scythe, while you rub your temples in annoyance. They throb, as they were very much getting on your nerves with the constant back and forth. For some reason, they remind you of a memory...but it is very hazy. All you can recall from it is that there was another man who was older than you, but barely. The two of you constantly argue, only to always be stopped by another man...your father?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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