Chapter 3: Welcome to Beacon

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After your talk with Ozpin, you and Ruby were dismissed as he returned to his Academy to begin your paperwork as students. Ruby went home with her older sister, who picked her up on some yellow mechanical machine that sped down the street. She waved at you as she left, and you returned the gesture.

Ozpin and Professor Glynda Goodwitch, whose name you found out during the meeting, left the police station and saw you just standing in the street. When asked where you were staying, you answered that you were just a nomad who didn't stay anywhere.

Kindly, the Headmaster offered to put you in a hostel for the evening, and you accepted, not wanting to be rude. Plus, getting a decent night's sleep for the first time in decades would be nice.

As you laid your head on that pillow and allowed yourself to drift off to sleep, you wondered what was transpiring in Mordor and Middle-earth in your absence, what would become of all of those Uruks and Olog you had recruited over the years.

Maybe, you'd have them by your side again. There were some in your armies you genuinely could call your friends.

Regardless, you had a big day ahead of you in the morning.


"Oh, I can't believe my baby sister is going to Beacon with me! This is the best day ever!" The blonde girl you know as Ruby's older sister hugs the younger girl, who looks embarrassed, to say the least. It's a tender moment that reminds you of your times with Dirhael, how you and he would often play along the Gate and worry your mother, Irileth. But, unfortunately, your memories were still marred deeply, leaving you confused. You could still remember your family fondly but can't remember your name.

You aren't complaining, though, better your name than your family. Instead, you stare out the window at the passing landscape, amazed at the scenery from so high up. It reminds you of the vast view one can get atop the Black Gate, but now mobile. Airships, who would've thought that one day you'd find yourself riding inside of one? 

"Please stop..." Ruby wheezes, patting her sister on the shoulder when she realizes you are watching. A light blush comes to her cheeks, and she looks away, reminiscent of last night on the roof.

"But I'm so proud of you!" Her sister exclaims, letting her go. "And you!"

Her attention turns to you as she skips over, bending down to grab one of your hands in both of hers.

"Thank you so much for helping out my baby sister. Don't think I've introduced myself; I'm Yang. Yang Xiao Long. What's yours, handsome?" You have to keep your eyes in her purple hues to avoid looking down at her...ahem, ample bosom.

You place your hand on her and nod before answering, "Talion. And don't mention it. I have weapons; I might as well use them, right?"

"I like the way you think, kinda like someone I know," Yang smirks as she turns back to Ruby. Ruby pouts and crosses her arms.

"Really, was nothing."

"What do you mean! It was incredible! I saw how you and Talion kicked butt, speaking of which, nice moves!" She compliments you, pointing both of her index fingers at you. "People at Beacon are gonna think you're the bee's knees!"

"Okay, I don't want to be the bee's knees! Or any kind of knees! I just want to be a normal girl with normal knees!" Ruby protests against her sister's exaggeration.

"If you are worried about it, Ruby, I can watch your back." You offer her, keeping your arms folded as you sit back in your seat with crossed legs.

" are not helping!"

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