Chapter 4: The Master

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The sunlight on Coruscant glittered through the wall of reflective windows in the Jedi Temple. Tall ceilings and brightly lit rooms were almost as common as hidden alcoves and shadows were throughout the crowded home base of the Jedi. On that average afternoon, the sun was exceptionally bright. At least, it had seemed that way to the small youngling who couldn't help but look outside the Temple windows.

All day, flashes of images had been nudging their way into her head, and she wasn't quite sure what they would mean. But she knew that at least one persistent vision sent small bursts of terror into her heart.

She saw a figure, one cloaked in darkness with haunting yellow eyes. He'd appeared in her dreams dozens of times, and each time, she could only think one word. Death. Death. Death. Whoever the figure was, he meant nothing to her but a figure of death incarnate.

These nightmares had plagued her for a week and had ensured she was running on less sleep than usual. Thus, she found herself enchanted by the light outside, with an uncomfortable feeling in her chest.

"Initiate Flare, what are you staring at?"

Indaria turned to one of her favorite teachers with a tentative smile, mildly bashful that she'd been caught not paying attention, but not at all worried. Although she shouldn't have favorites, he was by far her favorite teacher. He never missed a trick, and that was especially true when it came to the young girl he'd just addressed. He favored Indaria as much as she'd favored him. They just seemed to understand each other.

"Nothing," she answered honestly. "I was...deep in my own thoughts, Master. I am sorry."

"While your apology might be placated here, it will do you no good if you are to be distracted in the outside world, where your distraction could lead to more dire consequences or could cost you your life." Master Dooku, a tall human man, was one of the milder Jedi Masters. His hair and beard were white, and his deep-set eyes were piercing in all that they saw.

"Yes, Master," Indaria accepted the criticism with a bowed head.

Bena Miffe, a female Besalisk, with yellow eyes, green skin and four arms, chuckled a bit at Indaria's censure. She sent the older girl a harsh glare when Master Dooku turned around, which Bena reciprocated. Bena was, unfortunately, one of the more popular females in their initiate group, and the only member of the Clan that Indaria didn't get along with. Indaria gathered that Bena had been at the top of their class before Indaria arrived, but Indaria...well she'd unknowingly came in and took her spot. Well, that was just too bad, wasn't it?

The rest of the lesson continued as normal. All of the initiates returned to observing the two visiting Masters who'd graciously given their time to demonstrate a new form of lightsaber usage for them to observe. Indaria made herself pay attention, although her eyes would occasionally flutter closed, fighting off her desire to sleep. It was a relief when, some time later, the lesson came to an end and the clan was dismissed for their meal.

"Indaria," her Master caught her attention as she began to leave. She turned to find Master Dooku looking down at her with a kind smile, one that was gentle and even. "You were distracted today. That was most unlike you."

"I do apologize, Master. I- I've struggled sleeping."

"Are there problems with your fellow Initiates?"

"None keeping me from sleep Master. It's just...nightmares. I've been having nightmares."

He nodded gravely, "I see. Everyone does have nightmares, you know? Worries that we don't let ourselves have during waking hours that manifest themselves in our sleep. As a Jedi, it is a part of our training to learn how to let go of these worries altogether, to center ourselves and be present in the living Force."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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