Bonus Chapter #1: Thor Love And Thunder

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*(y/n)'s POV*

The past four years Thor had been hanging around us. We had seen him through his highs and his lows. He had even gone and lost all that weight he gained during the five years after Thanos snapped half of the population away and he had helped us out on our many adventures. Well, I'd say our adventures but I'm pretty sure Thor would say we helped him on his adventures as he had been trying to find his place in the world.

Ever since the defeat of Thanos and bringing everyone back that was dusted, Thor had given up his title as King of Asgqrd to Valkyrie and went with us.

He was able to get along with everyone, even though he sometimes gotten on Peter's nerves, but he was a good addition to the gang. Although, he can be a handful...I mean more of a handful than the others. 

But right now, we needed him now more than ever. Thor lead us to this planet, Indigarr, and told us it'd be like a holiday but what we didn't realize was that it had been invaded. And the invaders had many in numbers and a whole lot of gunfire. Drax, Mantis, Nebula, Rocket, Peter, and I fired back at them as best as we could but these guys were taking out the people left and right.

Meredith, now 9 years old which I can not believe, even helped out by firing her own little blasters that Rocket made for her. Course, Peter and I were right by her side to always watch over her and make sure she was safe.

"Where the hell is Thor?" Peter asked as we kept firing. "Wherever he is he needs to get down here fast!" Rocket shouts as he fires his gun. I sigh and said. "How much you wanna bet he's off meditating." I said to Peter and he lowers his head, annoyed. "Okay, you guys stay here and keep fighting. Mantis, you come with me to get Thor. He might need some convincing." I said as I stand up then I turn to Meredith. 

"You stay here with your father, okay?" I said and she nods. "Yes, Momma." She said and Mantis and I run out of the battlefield and head up to the mountains.

We walk up and I see Thor sitting on the hill of the mountain, under a large tree, with his eyes closed, meditating. The wind was blowing and made the wind chimes ring. "Thor." I called out as Mantis and I walk up to him. He hadn't moved nor opened his eyes as I go up to him and wave my hand in front of his face. "Thor." I called out to him again. "Hello, Guardians." He said in a calm, soft voice.

"What's up, buddy? Can you open your eyes?" I asked him as Mantis walks up in front of him. "My superheroing days are over." He said and I sigh. "Oh great." I muttered, annoyed, as I turn away from him. Then he starts to hum and Mantis starts to mimic him as I turn back to them.

Then Thor opens his mouth and Mantis does the same and both of them make this loud screeching sound. "Guys! Guys! Guys! Guys!" I shouted and both of them stop and Mantis turns her head to me. "I hate to break up whatever the hell this is but listen we need your help to win the battle." I said to Thor, a bit annoyed. "I am helping to win the battle." Thor said and I scoff and turn to Mantis.

"Mantis, put him to sleep and we'll drag him down." I whispered to her and she goes up to him and raises her hand to Thor but she barely touches him as he smacks her hand away. "Do not Mantis me." Thor said, opening his eyes. "He has seen many he loves perish. He feels their blood is on his hand." Mantis informs and I think for a moment on this. " know what? Fine, you sit here." I tell Thor then I turn to Mantis. "Let's go." I said as I turn around and we start to walk away. 

"This way they'll make a statue of me and Pete when we save the planet. You stay here and don't be the hero." I shout to Thor as we walk away. "Wait! Hold on!" Thor calls out and I stop and smile a bit at this. Figured that would work. I thought and I turn to see him standing up. "Wouldn't hurt to go help those innocent people down there. Let's get to it, shall we?" He said and he grabs Stormbreaker, which was shoved into the ground, and uproots it.

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