Chapter 6: The Asgardians Of The Galaxy

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"Mommy!" Meredith exclaims as she runs towards you. You and the rest of the Guardians arrived at Tony Stark's little cabin in the woods, some time after the battle. "Hey, sweetheart!" You said as you kneel down and she runs into your arms. You hug her and hold her close as she buries her face into your shoulder.

"Uh...(y/n)...did you kidnap a child?" Drax asked you as he, Peter, Nebula, Mantis, Rocket and Groot walk up to you. You chuckle as you turn to face them, Meredith still in your arms. "No..I didn't kidnap a child, Drax." You replied as Meredith gives them a confused look. "Who are they, Mommy?" Meredith asked you and the others looked at you in shock.

"Mommy?! So...?" Drax said and you smile. "She's my daughter....and Pete's as well." You said as you look over at Peter, whose eyes never left Meredith's face. "Wait?! But Quill has been gone for five years, how did that..?" Drax started to ask but you shake your head. "There's a child present, Drax. I'll tell you later." You said then you walk over to Peter.

"Meredith..." you started to say as you look down at her then back to Peter. "This is Peter Quill...your Daddy." You said and Meredith looks up at Peter. "Uh...hi, Meredith..." Peter said, nervously. Meredith looks at him as Pete walks closer to you then she reaches out to him. A small smile forms on Peter's face as you hand her over to Peter. He takes her in his arms and Meredith hugs him while he hugs her back. "Welcome back, Daddy." She said and Peter smiles at this and kisses the side of her head.

Few days later, you guys went to Tony Stark's funeral and it was a beautiful funeral and it looked like all of the Avengers were there. Meredith was confused at first what was happening and why Morgan was upset, so you had to explain to her what happened. She was a smart girl and understood what was going on. But it really bothered her, especially when she saw Morgan, her best friend, upset. 

What made you proud of her was when Meredith gave a flower to Morgan and hugged her while saying she was sorry for what happened to her dad, but she was thankful for what he did. She came up to you afterwards and asked if she did good and you, your eyes full of tears, told her that she did. You and Peter hug her and kiss the side of her head.

Ever since you introduced Meredith to Peter, she hadn't left his side. Wherever Peter went, she was right there next to him. "She's only known you for a few days and she hasn't left your side. I'm starting to feel betrayed." You said in a mock hurt voice. "Maybe she knows who the better parent is." Peter said and you scoff and slapped his shoulder, making him laugh before he leans down and kissed you.

She also seemed to get along with the others pretty well, and they all seemed to like her. Mantis seemed to adore her the most and Meredith was fascinated with Groot, Rocket had to translate for her so she could understand him.

You and Nebula told them about Gamora but you hadn't seen her since the battle, so you didn't know if she ran off or a possibility that she was snapped away when Tony snapped his fingers. You were in the ship scanning across the planet and galaxy for Gamora, but nothing was coming up, when Thor enters the ship as you guys were in New Asgard. Thor was gonna travel with you guys since the felt he wasn't worthy to lead the Asgardians and wanted to find himself.

"Well, here we are." He said as he comes in and sets his weapon and bag down on the table. "Tree! Good to see you." Thor greets Groot then he turns to Meredith, who was standing next to Groot. "Hello, little one!" He greets as he pats her head then he walks over to you and Peter, as both of you were looking at the scanner.

"Well...The As-Guardians of the Galaxy back together again. Where to first?" He asked then he messed with the scanner. Peter looks over at Thor in annoyance. "Just so you know, this is my ship still. I'm in charge." Peter said as he switches the map back to the scanner. "I know. I know. Of course, you are. Of course." Thor said then he messes with the map again. You sigh in annoyance and run your hand over your eyes as Peter looks over at Thor again. "See, you say of course, but then you touch the map. It makes you think that maybe you didn't realize I was in charge." Peter said.

"Quail, that's your own insecurities in there. Okay?" Thor said and you and Peter look up in confusion. "Quail?!" You and Peter muttered. "I'm merely trying to be of service. An assistant." Thor said as Peter looks at him. "Quill." Peter corrected. "That's what I said." Thor said, defensively. 

"You should fight one another for the honor of leadership." Drax suggested. "Sounds fair." Nebula agreed. "It's not necessary." Thor said just as Peter said. "It's not. Okay?"

"I got some blasters unless you guys wanna use knives." Rocket said. "Oh, yes. Please, use knives." Mantis said. "I am Groot." Groot said as Meredith looks around in fear. Then she runs over to Peter and grabs his leg while Thor and Peter look at each other and started to fake laugh at this. "Not necessary." Peter said. "There shall be no knifing one another. Everybody knows who's in charge." Thor said, smiling, as they stop laughing and Peter looks over at him. "It's me." Peter said, annoyed once again, and Thor nods. "Yes, you! Of course! Of course." He said before he whispers. "Of course." Then he winks as you roll your eyes at this.

"How about neither of you are in charge." You said and everyone looks at you in shock. "What?" Peter asked you in shock. "I know who would be better at being in charge." You said and everyone raises their eyebrows at you. "Me." You said. "That's true, she's been leading Nebula and I the past five years. Made sure we stayed alive." Rocket said. "She's done a very good job at it, even when she was pregnant." Nebula said and Peter looks back at you and you wink at him.

"I agree. (Y/n) should lead us." Drax said and you smile over at him. "Thank you, Drax." You said as everyone starts to agree. "Wow, okay...fine..." Peter grumbles and you chuckle. "Oh, don't pout." You said as you lean up and kiss his cheek.

Later, Rocket drives the ship off of Earth and head into space while you look out at the window. Peter comes up behind you and wraps his arm around your waist. "You still mad?" You asked him, teasingly. "Nah, honestly...I can't think of a better person to lead us. Except me...of course." He said and you rolled your eyes as you let out a chuckle and turn around to face him.

"Idiot." You chuckled. "But I'm your idiot." He said and you smiled and the two of you kissed as the ship takes you guys are your next adventure.

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