Chapter 2: Five Years Later

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"Yeah, we boarded that highly suspect warship Danvers pinged." Rocket said to Natasha. "It was an infectious garbage scowl." You said as you, Nebula, Rocket, Carol, Rhodey and Okoye were in a hologram call with Natasha, as she sat at her desk eating a sandwich. "So, thanks for the hot tip." Rocket sneered at Carol. "Well, you were closer." She replied back to him. "Yeah. And now we smell like garbage." Rocket exclaimed at her.

"You get a reading on those tremors?" Natasha asked Okoye as she cuts her sandwich diagonal. "It was a mild subduction under the African plate." Okoye informed. "Do we have a visual? How are we handling it?" Natasha asked her. "Nat, it's an earthquake under the ocean. We handle it by not handling it." Okoye said, firmly.

"Carol, are we seeing you here next month?" Natasha asked Carol. "Not likely." Carol replied. "What, you gonna get another haircut?" You asked her, sarcastically, referring to her short hair. "Listen, I'm covering a lot of territory. The things that are happening on Earth are happening everywhere, on thousands of planets." Carol remarked as she glares over at you. "Good point. Good point." Rocket said and you continue to roll your eyes. You've never really cared for Carol, she just had this arrogance about her that you really didn't like.

"So you might not see me for a long time." Carol said as she looks back over at Natasha. "All right. Uh, well...This channel is always active." Natasha said and Carol nods at her. "So, anything goes sideways....Anyone's making trouble where they shouldn't...Comes through me." Natasha said to you guys. "Okay." You, Rocket and Nebula said just as Okoye said. "All right." Then the call ended and you started heading to your own quarters.

You sigh in exhaustion as the door opens and you enter, just as a voice calls out. "Stick 'em up!" You turn to the side and smiled as you see a small figure, wearing your helmet, aiming your blaster at you. "Ah! You got me!" You said as you hold your hands up in surrender. "I'm taking you in!" The little figure said and you smiled. "How are you going to do that, when I've got you first!" You said as you reach over, quickly, and grab the little one and start a tickle fight.

A high pitch laugh squeals out behind the helmet then you tap the side of the helmet and it dissolves, revealing the face of your young daughter. "Mommy, stop!" She giggles. You kiss her cheek then said. "Where did you get this stuff?" She smiles up at you and said. "I found it." 

"Meredith Gamora Quill, what did I tell you about getting into Mommy's stuff?" You asked her and she gives you an innocent look. "To not get into it." She said, making her green eyes look bigger. "That's right. You need to be extra careful, sweetie. I don't want you to get hurt." You said as you take the helmet and the blaster away from her. "Okay..." she said as she gives a little pout. "Don't pout, little missy." You said, smirking.

She giggles a bit then goes to hug you. "You know I love you, right?" You asked her. "I love you too, Mommy." She said and you smile. "C'mon it's time for bed." You said to her and she looks up at you. "But I'm not tired." She said. "Yeah, well, I am. Sooo...let's go to bed together." You said as you pick her up and head to bed. After getting into comfortable clothes, you laid in bed and Meredith curled up to you. She laid her wavy golden brown hair head on your shoulder and you smiled down at her as her eyes slowly close. She looks so much like him. God, I miss him. You thought as you run your fingers through her hair then you start to fall asleep.

The next day, you, Rocket, Nebula and Meredith were sitting around the table, eating lunch, when you guys heard something ringing. You look over at Rocket and Nebula in confusion. "Already?" You asked and Rocket goes to answer the call. "Are you guys gonna leave again?" Meredith asked. You and Nebula exchange looks as Nebula said. "It's a possibility." 

"We don't know, honey. But we'll see...." you said just as Rocket comes back and he had the look of someone who has big news. "What's wrong, Rocket?" You asked him. "That was Nat. Apparently, they think they've figured out how to get the stones back and bring everyone back." He replied and you and Nebula look at him in shock.

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