The Date.

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The next day at school, Betty avoided her friends like the plague. Well, mainly Lorraine. After yesterday's events, she didn't know if the brunette even wanted to talk to her.

She had spoken to Babs a few times throughout the day, but it was only simple exchanges. The girl had been planning to ask Marty to hang out after school, but never got the chance.

Everytime Betty saw Lorraine talking to him in the halls, she'd turn and walk away. She was oblivious to the fact that he was in no way interested in her friend.

Once the final bell rang, the blonde was relieved. She left her classroom and put her things in her locker. That's when she spotted Marty, on his way out. Finally, he was alone.

Marty hadn't been having the best day. Ever since he accepted Lorraine as his date to the dance, she seemed to be stuck to him like glue. As if she wasn't already like that before. But now it definitely seemed like she saw them as a couple.

The thought of going on a date with his future mother made him want to vomit. It was a sick and cruel twist of fate. No matter how much he tried, he couldn't avoid her.

It's like she knew all of his typical spots and even his hiding places.

To top it all off, he'd barely seen Betty at all. His usual source of feeling at least a bit comfortable was nowhere to be found.

But finally, once the bell rang, it signaled freedom. He released a sigh of relief, planning to head straight back to Doc's.

That was until a familiar voice approached from behind. Seeing the blonde, a genuine smile grew on his face. He was perfectly aware of the consequences, but why didn't he care?

The teenager wasn't sure himself.

Betty hurried up to him. "Hi, Marty," She said, smiling softly towards him.

"Betty! Hey! Where have you been all day? I didn't really get to see you."

Betty didn't want to tell him exactly why he hadn't seen her all day. She couldn't just say, I have a huge crush on you and Lorraine wants me to stay away from you. So, she brushed it off in a nonchalant manner.

"Oh, you know.. I was around. I'm surprised you didn't see me." She smiled.

"Anyways... I wanted to..ask," She hesitated, her nerves just now hitting her.

"I... wanted to ask if.. you wanted to see a movie with me tonight. It would just be my way of saying thank you for helping me yesterday."

When she mentioned a date, Marty's face suddenly lit up. Finally, Something he could relate to. Movie theaters were still very popular in 1985.

"Yeah, sure! I've got nothing going on. What movie were you wanting to see?"

"Okay!" She continued, "I was thinking of seeing Rebel Without a Cause. I'm not sure what it's about, but I'm real curious." Betty explained. "I'm fine with seeing any movie, really." She added on.

Betty was incredibly relieved by his response. Maybe that did mean something. There was something so... captivating about the boy that Betty couldn't quite explain. Something that drew her in; something she couldn't possibly get tired of.

To Marty, this would be a chance to escape the madness, even if only for a few hours. He wasn't about to say no.

Betty had no idea that Lorraine had asked Marty to the dance. Even the mere thought left her somewhat heartbroken. She hoped Marty asked her.

"I hate to ask, but.. if you have a car, do you think you could pick me up? I'd rather not ride my bicycle all the way back to the movie theatre," she said, scrunching up her nose.

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