The Truth

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Things took a turn when Marty finally showed up to the dance; but he was without Lorraine, and standing on stage playing guitar. The look on his face screamed worry, and Betty had no idea why. Part of her couldn't even look at him without feeling sad, but she seemed to forget about that when she saw the fear in his eyes.

He was looking somewhere specific in the crowd, and Betty looked back to try and see what he was looking at. She didn't see anything out of the ordinary, until she watched Lorraine asking for George's help.

George? George.. McFly?

What the hell was going on?

She watched for a moment before looking back at Marty, seeing his hand disappear. Her eyes widened. Not knowing what to do, she wanted to go tell Lorraine; but when she turned back, George had pushed that guy onto the floor and was kissing her.

Betty looked back at Marty, who suddenly popped up and looked 10x better; less pale, less scared, happy almost. Now she was even more confused. "Lorraine! What's going on?" Betty asked.

"What do you mean what's going on? Everything's great! The thing with Marty didn't work out." Lorraine replied.

Betty formed an O with her mouth, although she still didn't quite get it.

The crowd, including Betty, looked at Marty when he began speaking. Some of the things he said didn't make very much sense, but no one thought much of it.

And when he began to play the music, everyone was dancing to it like it was nothing. Betty noticed that she had never heard anything like it before. Maybe something similar, but not this.

Then, when Marty went off on some crazy guitar riff, everyone stared in confusion. Now, Betty knew something was really off. Things she had previously assumed about him weren't quite adding up.

Upon watching him leave the stage, Betty followed him outside and watched him head to town. She got on her bike and followed without thinking. Her mind had zero play in this, just her heart.

By the time she got to the town square, Marty was already speeding down the street in a highly futuristic looking car. Doc Brown was on top of the clock tower, trying to hook some cable together.

Betty hopped off her bike and had to piece things together herself, but still wanted to try asking Doctor Brown. She ran to the front of the clocktower and called up to him. He finally heard her after a few moments. It seemed as though he knew who she was, because he placed a hand on his forehead. "You aren't ..... be here ... time travel ... and ... the space time continuum ... "

That's all she could hear. "What?" She shouted back. He sighed, and shouted louder.

"You aren't supposed to be here! I'm sure Marty has told you about the time travel, and how it could-"

Betty heard all she needed to hear. "Time travel..!" She screamed, looking towards the car.

Doc realized that maybe Marty didn't completely defy his orders for once. "You know what? Just go! If you go now, you can catch up to him and wish him good luck!"

That was all it took for Betty to start going. She didn't get back on her bike, she took off her heels and ran.

Marty was pleading and begging with the DeLorean at this point, becoming angrier by the second due to the time machine's insistence on not functioning properly.

Slamming his foot down repeatedly on the gas, turning the key, hitting the steering wheel. None of it worked. Not even yelling.

When Betty finally got there, she shouted, opening the car door, "Marty!"

A gust of unexpected wind hit him in the face, causing the teenager's head to whip to the side to see the extremely familiar blonde standing outside of the car.

At first what he felt was dread, but as she began to speak, relief took quickly over. She was officially in the loop and he wasn't sure how this made him feel.

"I know what's going on now! You told me I would never understand, but I do! The doctor told me, and now I'm seeing it with my own two eyes!" She said, crouching down to reach him, just enough to cup his face with her hands.

"Good luck, and don't forget about me, okay?" She smiled, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss to his lips. When she pulled away, she closed the door of the car.

"I love you!" She shouted, before giving the car a light kick. It seemed to turn on then. Betty backed away, allowing the rain to douse her.

He most definitely wouldn't forget about her.

All he could do was nod before the DeLorean roared to life. Putting the pedal to the metal, Marty floored it, causing the time machine to zoom down the street.

Betty saw this and smiled, watching him begin to drive down the street. She picked up her dress a little, beginning to run behind the car.

As the speedometer slowly climbed up, Marty shifted gears, causing the car to only speed up even further as it was now quickly approaching the movie theater at the end of the road...

Beginning to sweat, he looked over at the time circuits, the display reading, 'October 26, 1985, 1:24 AM'

60 miles...

Wiping sweat off his brow, Marty peered over to Doc, who seemed to be struggling to untangle the cable from a tree branch.

70 miles...

"Doc!" He called out rather anxiously before returning his attention to the cable that hung over the road. Getting closer and closer with each passing second.

80 miles...

The car's lights illuminated a bright blue glow as Marty's body locked up, pushing himself backwards into his seat, eyes shutting completely as he braced for impact...

88 miles per hour!

Betty ran all the way until the lightning hit the clocktower, stopping when she saw the car flash. The girl braced herself, and when she looked up, it was gone. Marty was gone. Betty heaved, staring in disbelief. A smile crept onto her face.

"Yes!" She called, jumping up and down. She heard the Doc's excitement as well.

"It works!" He shouted. When he saw her, he ran over and picked her up under her arms. He spun her around, earning a surprised laugh from the girl.

"It really works!" He shouted again, running to the two lines of fire on the road and dancing between them.

Betty could only stand there, waves of happiness washing over her. She walked over to him. "Where did he go, Doctor?" She asked.

"1985. Such a strange phenomenon, isn't it?" He sighed happily.

She nodded. "This is wild... I mean really crazy. I'll miss him." She said, some of that sadness coming back.

"Me too, miss. But he cared about you a lot, and who knows what might happen in the future?" Doc smiled.

"You can't tell anyone about this. If you're ever interested in how it works, feel free to stop by my estate." He noted.

Betty nodded. "I might just do that."

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