He scares you in a fight - stiles

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On your way home from school one afternoon, Stiles had brought up the ultimate question, where you were planning on going to college at. You hadn't exactly thought to hard about this topic before but you knew for a fact that you wanted to leave Beacon Hills for a while. In fact, you had thought about going to the college in Florida near your aunt and uncles house.
"You want to go where?" His eyes left the road to glance over at your for a second. "That's so far away though, I'll never get to see you. I want to be with you, Y/N, why don't you want to be with me?" You had never heard Stiles sound like this before, or ask you such a question.
It wasn't that you didn't want to be with Stiles, that was the exact opposite, but you always wanted to stay down in Florida and the colleges down there were nice. "I do want to be with you, just this is my chance, Stiles, to get out. To do something with my life."
"Fine, fine. Go down to Florida and live your life, I'll stay here and continue doing what I do best, helping out the werewolves." He snapped, glaring over at you. Your eyes stayed glued to his for at least a minute before a loud horn made him turn away. The car was flying down the road quickly, straight in your direction. A small scream flew from your throat as you shielded your face. Stiles turned the wheel quickly, narrowly avoiding the fast moving car.
"Are you okay? Oh, god, this is all my fault. I'm so sorry, Y/N. Are you hurt?" Stiles rambled, pulling off the road.
"I'm fine." You mumbled back, leaning over to hug him to you tightly.

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