Avoid part 2

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The past week at school had been utter hell for you. Whenever you walked past Scott, he gave you that 'I'm sorry' look that made you feel ten times worse than you already did. Even Lydia was throwing you sympathetic looks. Not to mention the fact that you had to deal with Stiles and Malia were swapping saliva whenever they got the chance. Malia's locker was across from yours, making things even worse for you.
Some days were worse than others and you decided to skip school to go into the woods and just ignore everyone else. On occasions you ran into Derek and he asked you why you were skipping school. Derek was a werewolf so obviously you couldn't lie to him so you just told him everything.
Derek knew that Stiles and yourself had been dating prior to the Malia business. You always showed up to pack meetings with Stiles even though you weren't really part of the pack; you only showed up because Stiles wanted you to be there.
"So that's why you haven't been here for the past four pack meetings," Derek said.
You nodded your head in response. "I should probably head back and try to make it to at least one of my classes today."
Rolling your eyes, you picked your bag up off the ground and dusted the leaves and dirt on it before you started walking back in the direction that you came.
"Wait, I'll drive you?" Derek suggested.
"Am I talk to Derek Hale or has he been possessed by a much nicer spirit?" You asked, chuckling.
Derek rolled his eyes in return. "I'm not possessed but at least I got you to laugh, right?"
"I guess," You replied, realizing how sad and upset you really were.
It was a three minute walk to Derek's loft where his car was parked. You went to sit in the backseat but you saw Derek shake his head so you sat in the front seat next to him.
"You still smell like Stiles," Derek said as he drove.
"Way to lighten the mood," You groaned. "How do I get rid of it?"
Derek shrugged. "I don't know. But I do know that you still like him."
"Ah, Derek is beginning to realize things now," You rolled your eyes. "I wish I didn't, though."
"Because he's with Malia now; he doesn't even look at me," You explained. "Whenever I walk past Scott or Lydia they give me this 'I'm sorry' look."
"And it's like Stiles and Malia don't stop kissing. If you tell any of them what I've told you I'm going to be so mad," You added.
"I won't," Derek said. "But I think you should talk to Stiles; or at least try to talk to him.
"How? I can't even look at his face without wanting to cry." You slumped against the car's seat and frowned.
"Malia's more of a distraction for Stiles; I can smell that much. He still likes you too, Y/N, Scott can probably smell that on him -that's probably why he's giving you those looks."
"You're smarter than you give yourself credit for. How do you deal with all this teenage drama anyway?" You asked.
"I'm not sure. We're at Beacon Hills," Derek replied, stopping the car.
"Thanks for the ride," You said, smiling a bit.
"You're welcome," Derek nodded.
You smiled at Derek as he drove off but he just nodded his head at you in a friendly manner.
Bracing yourself for the worst, you hugged your books to your chest as you walked into Beacon Hills and hoped that you'd see as less of the pack as possible.
People were rushing through the corridors to get to their next class. You felt anxious and sick at the same time. In an attempt to shake the feeling, you walked into your maths room and sat at the back of the class room.
Stiles walked into the room ten minutes into class. The teacher made him take the only available seat (which just happened to be the one next to you), making you want to punch yourself in the face just to get out of this class.
Halfway through class you heard the person beside you start talking.
"Do you know the answer to question fourteen?" Stiles asked, trying to avoid direct eye contact with you.
"Are you kidding? You don't want to talk to me for a whole month and now because your stupid ass doesn't know an answer to a damn maths question you ask me for help?" You growled. "Why don't you go and ask Malia for help, Stiles? I bet she's great just as great at math as she is at kissing."
With that, you packed up your things and left the class room. Obviously things weren't going to work out between yourself and Stiles; you didn't want anything to with him.
Sure, you loved him but you also felt this intense rage build up inside you when you remembered that he cheated on you.

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