Someday you'll be my Anchor -isaac lahey

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Someday, you'll be my Anchor - Isaac Lahey

Since Stiles and you broke up you tried to get back on track. It wasn't so easy as it looks like in some of Lydia's Movies, you always had to watch with her, especially when you had to see him everyday in school, everyday with your best friend Scott and everyday with Malia. Stiles and you tried to stay as friends because he and you were fsince you were little and you had a long and beautiful relationship.
**You broke up with Stiles as Scott needed to turn you into a Werewolf (He saved you as an Oni tried to kill you.) and you didn't want to hurt him, like you did once.. He always said that he wouldn't care about that but you did too much, so much that you let him go.**

"Lydia I don't want to be here today, can we just go to my house and watch Movies." You said annoyed as she drove to her House.

"Y/N it's Full moon night" Lydia laughed a bit because it was impossible to watch Movies with you on a full moon night. "You and Malia still can't control yourselves. We have to get you through this, without killing or hurting people." Lydia argued and stopped the car as you were at her's.

"Or I could just stab myself with a knife which had a long bath in Wolfsbane and it would be much more fun as being with Malia and Stiles in the same room." You mumbled sarcastic and get out of the car.

"What is going on with you?" Lydia asked while she opened the door.

"Hey Ladies" Isaac said as he walked over to you both. "Ready for the night Y/N?" Isaac asked gently.

"Don't, she's not in a good mood." Lydia warned Isaac and you all went into her house.

You didn't have to go into Lydia's to hear that Stiles was already in there. You were always focused on his heartbeat, whether you like it or not whenever you were with him, since you broke up. Scott wanted you to do that, he thought you might could control yourself better with that. but actually whenever you heard it, you just wanted to lose your control and run wild around in the woods, the only place where you felt free.


"Are you okay?" Scott asked gently as he walked over to you.

"Yeah sure." You tried as hard as you could to control yourself as you saw that Stiles took Malia's hand to calm her down. "Why wouldn't I be?"

You didn't want to look over to them so you tried to focus on the watch on Scott's arm. You didn't understand why it hurts you so much to seeing Malia and Stiles together, you didn't loved him anymore just as a friend. It wasn't as you wouldn't like Malia, she was nice .. a little messed up but really nice. But the way he cares for her, were too much for you.

"Your heartbeat, it's fast." Malia said as she walked over to you, she saw that you had breathing troubles.

"Faster than usual when you're alone in the basement." Scott added worried.

"Well, the full moon is already out and Malia is with me down there. She needs to find an anchor and I think that's why Stiles will come with us.. I still can't control myself and I don't need anyone down there who I could hurt." You said very pissed and your eyes turned into yellow. "AHHHHH!" You screamed, you tried so hard not to focus on this Malia and Stiles thing that you couldn't focus on the watch anymore.

"Okay guuuys, I think it's time." Lydia said a bit worried.

"Y/N is right, we can't keep them in the same room." Isaac said as he saw how hard you tried to focus on something that wasn't Stiles, he nearly felt your pain as he touched gently your arm.

"Okay, Okay.. Take the chains and go with her to the boathouse." Scott said and gave Isaac the chains with which he should tie you.

"Stiles..." Malia said and tried to hold and control herself.

Stiles looked behind Isaac and you and knew why it hurt you so much, he blamed himself and was distracted for a second.

"Stiles!" Malia growled and turned to him with her blue eyes.

"Oh okay, basement now.." Stiles took her and brought Malia down in Lydia's basement.


As Isaac and you made it to the boathouse you tried not to think about Stiles, you just wanted to be the animal and get trough the night. It was hard for you to walk or stand now, the moon slowly took possession over you. You held your breath as long as you could until Isaac finally tied you up.

"Now go!" You growled with yellow eyes and tried not to cry.

"You have to let him go Y/N.." Isaac said softly and looked into your eyes. "I can fell your pain, I now that you want to lose control, you don't want to feel anymore but you just have to move on."

"Isaac stop talking about him." You growled again. "Please just go, I don't want to hurt you." A tear rolled down your face.

"Y/N, I'm not leaving you alone, you're not going to hurt me."

Your teeth came out and you nearly turned, "I want to, I want to tear your face out." You threatened him and had much more pain because you tried to control yourself. "I want to crack every bone in your body!" You growled again.

"Y/N I went through this and I know you can do that too. I'm not gonna leave you and you're not going to hurt me."

"HOW DO YOU KNOW THAT?" You growled louder and tried to get yourself free.

"Because you don't want to hurt me, you want to hurt Stiles and Malia.. No not even them, you want to hurt yourself for being human.. for feel something. But I'm not going to let that happen, so listen to me.. focus on my voice."

You couldn't longer control yourself and Isaac was right you didn't want to be human. You tried even more to get the chains broken and you nearly made it.

"I know how you felling okay? But you'll fall in love again but first you've to control yourself."

"HOW?" You growled and turned your face away from him, you didn't wanted Isaac to see you like that.

Isaac touched gently your face and turned it slowly so to him so that you could see his eyes, he turned them into his yellow- werewolf ones and came closer to you.

"You've to believe it. You've to believe that you'll be fine without Stiles." Isaac's voice calmed you down, to see him calmed you down. "Good..You just have to be your own Anchor."

Isaac nearly had you through it but than you shook your had. "No, I can't... How did you know that I wanted to lost control just because of him?" You still growled but much quieter than a few moments ago.

"Because whenever I saw how you looked at Stiles, my heart broke just like yours now." Isaac answered with a heavy heart and had his normal eyes as you looked at him.

You stopped fighting against the chains that kept you on a beam and wanted to say something but you couldn't. You were confused and thought about the moments with Stiles and what Isaac did when you two were together, then you saw it.. He was in love with you. You turned yourself back into human, you were weak and Isaac had to hold you while he untied you.

"How could you control yourself when you had to see me with him..?"

"I just had to believe that someday you might could have feelings for me too and would be my Anchor until then I had to be my own Anchor.. so I wouldn't hurt you." He smiled as you looked up. "How did you do it?"

"I just had to believe that someday, I'll find someone who cares for me like he does for Malia and I think I found someone."

"You two okay?" Scott asked as he came with the others of the pack.

"Yes we're fine." Isaac said with a huge smile and looked at you. "Malia you made it." He looked over to her as he saw Malia and Stiles together.

"Finally, Y/N you too." She smiled at you.

"How did you do that? Scott tried it for months now." Lydia asked Isaac confused. "What is her Anchor?"

Isaac helped you to stand, you looked to the pack and leaned on Isaac as he wrapped his hands gently around you waist.

"He is." Scott said with a proud smile.

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