Part 2 - Stiles (supernatural being)

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It's been weeks since you have last seen Stiles. The demon from before had come back that same night, stealing you away into the darkness.
You were terrified to put it lightly, you had no intimation of what these demons would do to you for breaking the rules, and you didn't know if you even wanted to leave. If there was any chance Stiles wouldn't want you, then why return?
You were bonded to a chair tightly, the demon trap surrounding you, and there was no way to leave either.
"Well, well, well." The black eyes appeared in front of you, glowing in the moonlight. "Always in some sort of trouble, aren't you? Just wait until you find what we have in store for you."
The knife slashed across your chest quickly, leaving a bloody trail in its wake. Again and again, the blade ran across your skin, tearing at your dirty clothes.
"Stop!" You screamed, black eyes finally revealing themselves. "Stop, please!"
"Y/N! Y/N!" The voice was so familiar and your eyes began to well with tears again. "Y/N, please wake up! I'm begging you." Your eyes opened to find that you were now out of the demon trap, wrapped in Stiles' arms.
"Stiles." You cried, clinging on to him. "Stiles, you're here."
"I"m sorry I treated you like that. You're perfect, Y/N. You're perfect and just because you're a demon, won't change that."

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