You/ He won't get out of bed - preference

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Isaac: You walk into the McCall's house like it's your own. "Hi Melissa, is Isaac home?" you ask. "I think he is still sleeping sweetheart, but feel free to go wake him." You climb the steps and make your way to Isaac's room. When you reach the door you slowly open it, revealing a dark room. "Isaac?" you whisper. Cautiously, you make your way to the bed where you see Isaac sprawled out. You climb into the warm bed and wrap your arms around Isaac's body. You lightly kiss his cheek but still get no response. "Isaac wake up." You nudge him finally earning a small grunt. "Isaac wake up it's 12:30." He still doesn't move. "Alright, you asked for it." You smirk as you climb off the bed and retreat to the door. You turn around and sprint back to the bed, jumping on top of Isaac with a thud. He jolts upward groaning "I'm up! I'm up!" You smile, proud that your plan worked. Scott: You were never a morning person. In fact, it would take you five alarms to even wake up for school. However one morning Scott was determined to get you up before 11am. You were asleep, all cuddled in a your blankets and pillows dreaming of the beach when Scott tiptoed into your room. At first he was gentle trying to coo you awake but when that didn't work he decided another tactic. To lay on top of you. You groaned clearly not happy with the interruption. "Good morning Sunshine." Scott, your boyfriend said while kissing your forehead. "It's time to get up, we have a whole day ahead of us." You leaned on your elbows squinting until you saw the clock. You fell back down onto the pillow and rolled over. Scott, being the committed person he is, left the room and went downstairs having another idea in his mind. You were just about to fall back asleep when the scent of bacon filled your nostrils. Scott smiled when he heard the padding of your feet coming into the kitchen. He turned around giving you a kiss on the lips with a piece of bacon in his hand. Derek: You and Derek both loved sleep. When the two of you slept together you wouldn't leave each others arms for hours even after waking up. Today though, was different. Everyone was coming over to the loft early to discuss a plan about the Alpha pack. But that didn't stop you and Derek from sleeping in as late as possible. A loud knock on the door caused both of you to stir. "Derek someone is at the door." You silently said, not daring to be the one to get up. "They will leave." He muttered burrowing deeper into the mattress. "DEREK, (Y/N) WE CAN HEAR YOU. LET US IN." Scott yelled through the door, still banging. Derek, already annoyed, still didn't move. At this point you were awake, but way to cozy to leave the warmth of the bed. You nudged your boyfriend, "Derek you let them in." "Why do I have to let them in" He groaned. "Because I am sleeping." Derek laughed, but surprisingly sat up. "If I get up you are too." You shrieked as Derek picked you up and carried you to the living room, where he opened the door and let the angry visitors. Stiles: You knocked on the front door to the Stilinski household. After the third knock the door opened revealing the Sheriff. "Oh hey Y/N, Stiles is still asleep upstairs. I have to go to the station, good luck getting him up." He smiled as he held the door open. Once you made it into Stiles room you laughed. Stiles was sleeping in an unusual position with his mouth wide open. Knowing Stiles, kissing and gently waking him just wouldn't do. You mischievously smirked as you walked to his dresser drawer and opened it. Stiles had all sorts of objects and contraptions in this thing. You picked up the air horn and walked back over to your boyfriends bed. One thing was for sure, he would have to get revenge on you. You shrugged, what is the worst Stiles could do? You stood at the end of the bed making an easy escape plan when you put pressure to the button causing the obnoxiously loud noise to echo throughout the room. You covered your mouth, Stiles was definitely awake. Maybe even more than awake. His body flailed around causing him to fall off his bed. "Y/N I am going to get you back for this." Stiles said as he regained his balance. You squealed and ran out of the room and down the stairs. Lets just say a whole chain of pranks were pulled on each other all day.

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