chapter nine

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- margaret atwood, solstice poem 

- margaret atwood, solstice poem 

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HE SHOULD be dancing, Aragorn knows that much, but he cannot bring himself to do so as he watches over the hobbits gorging on fanciful elven foods they have never had the pleasure of tasting. Even Boromir has managed to find him an elven maiden to dance with, who blushes and giggles prettily every time he ducks her in time to the spirited music playing from enchanting harps and flutes. Legolas, as a prince, has been flocked by a gaggle of other maidens who almost seem to be waiting in line to be able to dance with him, fluttering their eyelashes at him. He is bright pink and it is rather amusing to see. Legolas never seems flustered by anyone. Fortunately, Gimli has stayed by Aragorn's side, not swayed into dancing by any elven woman who sends him a side-ways glance. They have never had the chance to dance with a dwarf. He will not be their first.

Leithiamen had brought them here and allowed them to wash their faces in the glimmering river rushing past behind him, but he had quickly left them to his own devices as soon as he had seen a friend and Aragorn has not caught sight of him since. He wishes he could say the same for his son who has, unfortunately, not left their side and keeps making comments that he supposes must be funny.

Why did Yseult hug him so fondly?

Aragorn wants to join in the festivities. But, there is far too much weighing on him now that Gandalf is gone he barely has time to think about anything else. What road will they take tomorrow? How will they get to Mordor without being caught? How will they keep the hobbits safe as they grow weaker? Why did Yseult hug Aurion so fondly? He had watched as she was passed around by the family of elves, each of them smiling, excited to see her, claiming her as family. Relatives through her father's side? No, she would never have smiled like that in that case, not with the way that she talks of her father, as if every problem she has ever had started with him. He will never be able to expel the sight of her smile from his memories.

She had finally looked at peace.

Maybe he should leave her here. She will be safe and she can grieve over Gandalf without the burden of weighing them down. If she stays here, he may never see her again. But, if she stays here, she will be able to smile like that every day. A sigh escapes him before he can suck it in and his back hits the closest tree. Will she listen to him if he asks her to stay?

By Eru, of course she will not.

"How is it to travel with Yseult?"

Aragorn's head turns slowly to the elf beside him. "She is... not so happy to be travelling with us." Aurion hums. He is wearing a set of peridot robes that shine just like the gem itself has been hand-stitched into it. Aragorn did not own anything as nice even during his time at Rivendell. "Have you known her long?"

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