
112 7 6

NOV 6TH, 2038

PM 03:38

THE TOP FLOOR WAS eerie and dirty. Hank and I had just left the elevator, and Connor stayed behind. Hank swiftly turned around, confusion evident.

"Hey, Connor! Did you run out of batteries or what?" Hank stood outside the elevator as Connor opened his eyes. He blinked rapidly, "I'm sorry, I was making a report to CyberLife."

Impressive. Connor still lingered in the elevator. Hank and I continued to stand in front of it. Hank's eye twitched, "Uh, do you plan on staying in there?" Connor still stood in the elevator, "No! I'm coming!"

The tiles on the top floor were dirty and ugly. No one should be living up here. Hank seemed as disgusted as I, "What do we know about the guy?"

"Not much. A neighbor reported that he heard strange noises coming from this floor. Nobody's supposed to be living here, but the neighbor said he saw a man hiding a LED under his cap." Connor looked around the top floor, meeting Hank in front of the door of the suspected apartment.

"Fuck, if we investigate every weird noise, we'll need more cops," I mumbled my words. Hank seemed amused, and Connor was indifferent. Hank turned to look at Connor, "Were you really making a report? By just closing your eyes?" Connor met Hank's gaze and nodded, "Correct."

"I wish I could do that!" I whined. Connor had many abilities that made me jealous. Hank agreed before knocking on the door. Connor decided to yell out a warning, "Anybody home? Open up! Detroit police!"

"Stand behind me." Hank gestured for the two of us to stand back. "Got it." Connor and I said simultaneously, I glanced at him to see if he reacted, but he was stone-faced.

Hank, in one quick kick, opened the door. I hadn't even noticed Hank had his gun out until now. He led the way into the apartment. Connor drifted off into the first room on the right, scanning to see if anything interesting resided there.

Connor caught up to us as Hank kicked open another door. Dozens of pigeons flew out, startling us. Hank coughed violently from the smell, "What the fuck is this!?" I thought the same. It smelled rancid in the apartment.

"Jesus, this place stinks. Uh, it looks like we came for nothing. Our man's gone." The pigeons cooed on the ground, scattering when we walked through them.

"Someone must've been caring for them. There's so many that there has to be a food supply." I studied the birds covering the apartment. Connor hummed, holding up a bag of birdseed, "You may be right, detective." Hank made a disgusted sound, "I can't believe it. This nutjob was feeding these fuckers."

"Hank, you realize I feed the local birds, too, right?" I smiled awkwardly. I decided to peel back a poster that looked out of place. Sure enough, behind the UFD poster lay a book. Opening it showed an encrypted mess of writing, "Hey, Connor?"

"Yes, detective?" Connor peeked his head out from the bathroom, a tinge of blue on his lips. I motioned for him to come here. He noticed the coded diary in my hands, "Can you decode this?" I asked him. His eyes glazed over the pages, then he shook his head, "No, it'll take weeks to decode. I'm sorry."

"This guy put his initials on his jacket. That's something your mom does when you're in first grade." Hank snorted, staring at a grey jacket sitting on a cabinet.

"The driver's license is fake," Connor called, staring at an I.D. that previously sat on a shelf. I stumbled into the bathroom, greeted with a wall covered in obsessive writing. Repetitively written was the phrase 'RA9'.

"Interesting, isn't it? RA9 was written 2471 times on this wall." Connor crept up behind me. I jumped slightly, sighing at the sight of the oblivious android.

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