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NOV 7TH, 2038

AM 03:59

NEON PURPLE BILLBOARDS shined through the police car windows. Connor and Hank were in the front while I sat in the backseat. I stared at the screens, purple hues, and fishnet-clad legs displayed. "Aw... Feels like someone's playing with a drill inside my skull," Hank peered out the window, "You sure this is the place?"

Connor looked down at the GPS, "It's the address in the report." Hank nodded and sighed, "Right... Okay, let's get going." And with that, Hank exited the police car, muttering something I couldn't hear. I quickly followed after him, Connor directly behind me.

"Sexiest androids in town. Now I know why you insisted on coming here!" Hank looked back at me with a sly grin. I shook my head and grumbled some expletives. We walked past the holographic police tape, suddenly surrounded by the same purple screens as were outside. "Oh boy..." Hank squinted from the bright lights.

Entering the club wasn't the worst part. Androids were kept in tubes with only clothing that covered sensitive areas. I held my hands to each side of my face, averting my eyes. I felt weirdly ashamed to even be inside this building. We walked past androids on stripper poles to see Ben talking with who I assumed was the manager.

"Hey, Hank!" He greeted Hank, nodding his head to acknowledge me as well. "Hey, Ben, how's it going?" Ben seemed to ignore the question, "It's that room there. Oh, and by the way, Gavin's in there too." Ben warned, eyeing Connor up and down in knowing. "Great! A dead body and an asshole, just what I needed," Hank clicked his tongue in annoyance.

Inside the room was a circular bed with the victim sprawled out under the blanket. On each side of the bed were Gavin and Chris. On the right, an android was lying dead on the ground. Gavin looked back from the bed, setting his sights on Hank and Connor, "Lieutenant Anderson and his plastic pet, what the fuck are you two doing here?" I was last to enter the room, "Oh, hey, Y/N!" Gavin looked mildly surprised, "Wow, you look like shit." I rolled my eyes, "Thanks," I grumbled.

"Thought you should know, you're wasting your time. Just a pervert who, uh, got a little more action than he could handle." Gavin let out a hearty chuckle, elbowing me in jest. I didn't laugh with him. Hank briefly surveyed the room, "We'll have a look anyway if you don't mind."

Gavin uncrossed his arms, "Come on, let's go." He motioned to Chris, "It's starting to stink of booze here!" He pointed at Hank as he spoke and shoulder-checked Connor on his way out. Chris walked up to Hank, nodding to the right, "Night, Lieutenant."

As soon as Chris left, Connor immediately got to work, crouching down by the victim. Connor stood up and looked at us, "He didn't die of a heart attack," He walked to the other side of the room, "He was strangled." Hank shrugged, "Yeah, I saw the bruising on the neck. Doesn't prove anything, though, could've been rough play." I cackled, drawing the attention of both Hank and Connor, "Android law clearly states an android cannot knowingly injure a human. Androids understand their strength. This was purposeful." I explained, Connor nodded in agreement.

"We're missing something here..." Connor said after looking over some liqueur bottles. It walked over to the deceased android, "Think you can read the android's memory? Maybe you can see what happened." Hank suggested with a shrug. Connor mulled it over for a moment, "I can try..."

Connor squatted down, pressing his white plastic fingers to her LED. Blue blood dripped from her nose. Connor swiped some thirium onto his fingertips, bringing it to his mouth. "Woah! Hey! Hey! Hey! Argh, Connor, you're so disgusting!" Hank glared down at Connor, visibly repulsed by the thought of consuming any blood, "I think I'm gonna puke again..." He groaned.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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