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Best night ever, Terrance told Amaru n the mourning of their second period reading class. Amaru snickered at Terrance's comment and tucked his pager back in2 his pants. Ur gonna get picked 2 read, Amaru thought. It was known that n mr. Christian's alternative reading class that Amaru couldn't read fluently. That Amaru was n high school still reading at a 3rd grade level. That 

Amaru sat n the back of the classroom so that he wouldn't go thru the dreadful experience of kids taunting him because he was part of the reason the black community was failing. '' kids who cant read are usually the kids who don't raise their hand n class 2 read. They r withdrawn, maybe even the bad kids and the class clowns.'

' When mr. Christian said that it made Amaru angry. It felt like he was pointing his index finger directly at Amaru. Mr. Christian turned his head 2 Amaru '' why don't u read us ur book report'' why don't u put a sign on me that says I cant read corretly, Amaru thought as his hand grew clammy and his mouth dry. He was furious at himself 4 not going 2 school enough 2 read at the same pace as the regular students. And he was mad at Mr. Christian 4 picking on him like how the other kids did. ''I don't have it'' Amaru lied sliding his hand away from his pocket where his crumpled report lied. '' I'll read mine'' a girl volunteered. Her skirt slid up a bit as she walked up 2 the front of the classroom. Amaru observed with a grin on his face. '' that's 2 bad'' Mr. Christian said. I would've enjoyed a chuckle, Amaru c ould imagine that's what he'd meant. What's her name? 

Amaru paged Terrance with his eyes climbing up her legs 2 where her skirt stopped. I don't want u 2 disappoint anybody, Terrance response read. What does that even mean? Amaru pondered. U right, Amaru paged back feeling as though he knew just who Terrance was talking about. The bell rung and Amaru uncrumpled his report and hid it under a stack of reports. ''that girl was ugly anyways'' Amaru watched Short skirt leave the classroom. ''it never stopped u before'' Terrance pointed out. He pulled Amaru 2 the side by the boys bathroom.''I should've told u about Vanessa'' he said n a low tone. ''Well I'm done with that bitch-" Amaru stated but was cut off. 

'' It's not that simple trust me. Vanessa will ruin ur life. Kentoney used 2 fuck with that girl then he almost went 2 jail.'' '' Nigga why didn't u tell me this before?" Amaru said infuriated '' it never slipped my mind until I saw her talking 2 officer D' Angelou crooked ass. Talking about something secretive. They were speaking so low that I couldn't hear- plotting.'' Amaru head was hurting. ''u should've told me this'' ''would it have stopped u from messing with her?" he asked him. And 4 once Amaru's breathing was uneasy. He didn't know how 2 answer. Amaru thought hard concentrating on his blue and silver Addidas '' I don't know'' Amaru finally looked up and replied. '' Take it easy with these women. Their poison'' Terrance said. "hey!" Amaru called out just before Terrance turned away. 

" thanks 4 looking out my nigga" Amaru expressed his gratitude. ''No problemo'' Terrance said then parted different ways with the boy.

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