(Turning the Old into the New)

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The camp out in the living room had been a blast for the kids. Brody" and the rest of the older kids, had snuck into, each adults rooms. Slipping the little ones out. Just as promised. While the adults faked snored loudly! To cover all the giggling that went along with it. As they tried to hide there on hummer. The guys had pulled out cots and blanks earlier for them. And hid them away in the downstairs wash room.

By the next morning. All of the adults got up together. To go check on the little party night. They all stood at the top of the landing. Looking over at there kids. To find! The living room looked like a Crime Seine!.. The guys chuckled! As the women groaned. Lovely they moaned. There were little body's everywhere! From one end to the other! There was bags of chips, candy wrappers. Cookies! And soda cans, sippy pouches! And cups" laying All over the place.

There wasn't a clean face among them. A few of them even had what looked like maybe gum! In there hair! Well they hoped that was what it was anyway. Some even had suckers in there's. I'll get the peanut butter, Hope sighed. At least we can get the gum out. That had them all softly chuckling.

The made there way threw the pall of body's slowly, to find there's kids. Now why did we let them do this again? Josie wined a little. Aww! Sweetheart! It'll be ok. Mark told her. Look at them! They had fun! That's all that counts. Right? He asked. Josie sighed. I guess so. But you guys are cleaning the boys up is all I got to say. There was a lot of groans, and mommy! Daddy! I think I'm going to be sick! Coming from the lot of them.

That had some Mommy's awing! And there fathers chuckling? Well guys! It looks like we miss out on one heck of a party! Here. Sid piped in. And we've been doing all wrong! Over the years. These! Kids know how to throw down!. He wined. They all couldn't help but laugh at that. The guys started picking them up one by one. So they could get a baths and feed them some real food. Paul chuckled, as his oldest one Blake, "lifted his head. While he held his 7 year old daughter, Casey in his arms. Walking her threw the mess. To her mommy.

Blake smiled, hey mom, dad. Hey son. How do you feel This morning? He asked. Blake chuckled, then groaned. Ruff! I want lie. But the little kids had a lot! Of fun. Paul chuckled. Ya! I can see that. Brady"lifted his head and looked up. Then over to them, from were he laid. You guys don't worry about the mess. Will clean it up. Then his head feel back with a groan. Just as soon as my stomach lets me. He whispered. That had the adults chuckling. Thanks guys. We'd appreciate that.

(Later that morning)

Ones Luke and J.T filled the others in on everything. They were all in. It just so happened, that each one of the guys. Had a trait that could help in the remolding of the old Summer house. Luke wasn't all that shocked, to find the others wanted to help fix up the old place to. But it made him happy to know they all care for the old place. So they go to work on there parts for it.

The Twins had be astatic about it. Because they found out, that the "boat and jet skis" come with it. I just want you guys to know, that even thou I bought the place from J.T. Doesn't mean that our Summer get togethers are over. Skyler and I still want all of you guys to come up any time you want to. I mean that.

Aww! Sid gushed, as he got up and made his way over to Luke, and in a playful show of affection. Whispered" Come here give old Sid a huge! We love you to! You know that. Luke slapped at his arms! Get off me! Luke mocked back playing along, trying to stop him. Sid lend in to wrap them around him, as Luke tried shaving him away...

Sid won!. Grabbing Luke in a hug that, locked Luke's arms to his side. Luke rolled his eyes as, Sid rocked back and forth with him. This had everyone chuckling. Come on boys! Sid" baby cried. Luke'y! Here needs a hug. But just as some of the others got to there feet playing along with smiles on there faces. They started Heading his way. Luke made a run for it!..

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