( A Unexpected Surpise )

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Over the next few days, the "old Summer house, was coming along "great. The girls had headed out to town, for some things on there list, for the house. The place was really! Starting to feel more like a home. Luke and the guys, we're setting around, looking the land plaices. And to mark down, were on the everyone home would be built. They wanted to keep as meany" trees as posable, and only cut down what was needed for the house. And what was cut down. Could be used" for, steps and there own, docks. Just as The girls came back from town.

J. T informed them, he new a guy that built large subdivision, and he had a very! Large crew! That could "nock this out in no time. He looked at Luke. What do you think Luke? He asked him. You want me to give him a call, and see if he's interested in taking on the job?. J. T chuckled, as he saw Luke in deep thought. Ok? Luke what's idea" do you have rattling around" in that head of your. That had everyone laughing" then feel quit. Luke looked up, shaking his head to clear it. Then gave a sheepish" smile. Then Skyler" started laughing as she clapped her hands in excitement. Oh! Luke" I think that's a wonderful idea! She gasped. Luke smiled up at her, as he pulled her into his lap, for a kiss.

Everyone was looking at them, like they were a little nuts. Luke whispered. Why don't you tell them, he chuckled out to her. Skyler giggled ones again. She looked out at everyone with a huge smile. Luke thinking you all should go into business together. Luke chuckled out. You do know me well don't you baby! He lend back down, giving her another kiss, then righting her. Are you serious! Luke? J. T asked. Luke nodded. Ya" guys I am.

Maddison? Your in advertisement right? She nodded. Yes, she laughed. Luke smiled back at her. Ok and "Joy, "Josie, "Holly and "Jamie. You guys know! Home interior. Right? They both smiled, nodding. As the both clapped there hands in excitement. And "Faith, "Heather and "Hope. You guys know landscaping. Right?.. They all just nodded with big smiles on there faces. Skyler cleared there throat, holding her hand up. Im an "Accountant, and I have "degree in Small "business management. Luke smiled at her. He lend over and kissed her. I love you he "chuckled out to her. She smiled back. Whispering "I love you to. The others "laughed.

Luke went on. And you two. He said, looking at Paul and Ray. Hows your "guys electrician Business doing? It's ok" it pays the bills. Ray nodded. Ok! Now D. C, Sid. How's the "Heating&Air Business, doing you two?. They looked at each other, then looked at Luke. Some days are good, some not. D. C answered him. Mark, Mike? They nodded. About the same as Sid and D. Cs. There's not a hole" lot of demands for "Windows, and pluming.. Mark sighed. "But It could be better. He admitted. Hayden? At first he didn't say anything. Faith got up from her set and made her way over to him. She took a set on the arm of the chair beside him.

She eased her arms around his neck. "Kissing him on his cheek. She gave him an "encouraging little smile. Go ahead sweetheart, tell them. There our friends. It will be ok. She whispered to him. "Hayden pulled her onto his lap, taking a deep breath. Everyone looked "between each other. Silently" asking if anyone "new what was going on. "But everyone shook there heads. "Just as lost as the rest of them.

My Construction Business, went under. I lost it! And they "foreclosed on our "home 3 weeks ago. "I couldn't make the payments. "O. M. G! Maddison and the others gasped. Maddison cried out, as she got to her feet, making her way over to him. "She wrapped him into a hug. "Oh! "Hayden I'm so sorry "Honey! The guys, each took there turn "pulling him into. A hug. "Luke was last. He "whispered to him. "Whey didn't you tell any of use? He asked. His throat about ready to close up on him. As "Skyler took "Faith in her arms "next to him.

Hayden shook his head. I couldn't guys I'm really sorry. I was just so ashamed! I didn't know how to. "I've prayed and "prayed for a "miracle! "Luke could see the unshed "tears in his eyes. I "didn't know what I was going to do! "Then you "Luke" He sobbed out. Luke "pulled him into another hug. "It's ok man! "Where all here "for you guys. Always!.. You understand that? "Luke choked out. And "Hayden nodded.

The girls were all "crying as they had a "sobbing "Faith" in there little group "hug. And the guys had a "hand on Hayden's shoulder. "Wiping a few away themselves. "We're here for you the "other guys nodded. "Sobs still raking! "Threw Hayden "hole body. "He finely whispered out. God! Luke you saved my "family and I. "I don't know how! But "I'll pay you b- shhh! Luke "hushed him. "Damn man! You don't owe me anything! "You hear me? Luke "chastised him with a half smile. Looking him in the eyes to make his point. You'd" have done it for one of use "if the situation was reversed. "Hayden nodded. Yes I "would. "Alright then we're clear on that. "Hayden nodded taking his "first easy deep breath "in a long time.

J. T,?! Luke said. As he finely looked away from "Hayden long enough to look at J. T. Ya? He replied. Call that "guy, you were talking about earlier. "Make him an "offer he can't refuse, and get them up here A-sap!. And just so we're all on the same page. We're starting with "Hayden and "Faiths house first. They all "nodded in agreement with him, hole heartily.. On it! J. T nodded as he grabbed his phone.

Faith made her way over to Luke. She gave him a watery smile, hugging him hard! Thank you Luke. I love you so much! Bless you. She cried. Luke hugged her back. Anytime honey! You and Hayden and throws kids of Y'all's! Are like family to me. And family's are there for each other. Don't! Any of you guys ever keep something like this away from me. You guys understand? He asked. They all nodded in understanding.

J. T come back in with a big smile on his face. He'll be out tomorrow to take a look. Luke nodded. Good. The sooner! The better he answered. So? guys he smiled. You in? He asked. "Hell Ya! They all "shouted as the girls! Started laughing. Oh! This is going to be fun! They squill'ed out.. Faith walked over to Hayden as he wrapped her in his arms, kissing her gently on the lips. As Skyler snuggled up to Luke, wrapping her on arms around him. Faith, Hayden? While the house is being built we want you guys to stay with use.

Oh! No" we couldn't impose! On you two lik- hush! I want take no for an answer! She told them, cutting there complaints off. Faith, smiled. Thank you she sighed out. Looking up at Hayden. I love your mom! Sweetheart" I really do. But I'd rather! Stay with Luke and Skyler. She smiled. That had everyone chuckling. Ok" baby. Anything you want.. Thanks guys. For helping us like this. I love my mom to! But God! I can't live with that women! "Either. He growled out. This had another round of "chuckles going.

Just then! Holly! Gasped" out. Oh! God" my water just broke! The hole room, went into baby mode! I'll get her bag! Shouted Skyler. I'll crank the car Sid, yelled out as he hit the front door at a run. Will stay with the kids! Josie and Joy, Faith and Jamie offered out. As Ray went! Into a panic! What!? He shouted. It's to early! He gasped. "Holly tried to laugh. "Honey" com down! The Dr, told use I could go a little early on this one. "Remember? She told him. All he could do was nodd! Ok! Let's get you to the car! He tried to think. So the rest of them palled into two vehicles! And headed to the Hospital.

And at 10:24 pm, Little "Darien Michael Peters, come into this world! Kicking and screaming! At 8lb /6 ounces. And 21 in long... Luke and Skyler held each other as they wiped tears from there eyes, when "Ray come out with him, in his arms. Oh! Heather "gasped as she tool her little nephew, into her arms. Hey! Little man. "Oh! Your such! A "cutie" she cooed to him. Luke slapped Ray on the back. Congratulations man.

Ray blushed. "Thanks, Luke. That means a lot. "So what's this make you now? Sid teased him. #5 right? "Ray yelled at him. Like you have "room to talk! "He laughed back. What? Want this "make you and "Heather #6" right? Sid blushed. So? He smiled as he got to his feet. "Snuggling up to his wife, looking over her shoulder at the "newest" addition to the family. "Maddison and "J.T, were standing in front of them, looking down at "baby Darien.

Maddison turn and smiled, at "Luke and Skyler. "You two" better get a move on having more kids. We're all "already a few up on you two. J.T smiled. "Well that's is, unless they keep putting out Twins. Then it want take them "long to catch up. "He laughed as Skyler's eyes grew wide, having "not thought of that. Luke just "chuckled at the look on her face. No! I don't think it could be that easy for use.

Skyler laughed" SHEWWW! "Sorely" God, wouldn't "hit me with another set! "One set of twins are a hand full as it is! "That had them all laughing. "Ya! I know! All three" "Ray, "Sid, and "Heather. All said at the "same time, for they "both had a set "between them. That "caused more rounds of "chuckles. You better not! "Whispered "Shouted Maddison". That want be fare to the rest of use! Women, that half to "pop them out one at a time!.. That would just be inhuman". And unfair!... That "set them all off again.

Hey guys well here you go.. Hope you like it...

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