Our Love Will Find A Way ( A time for letting go )

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15 Years Later, ( 2014 )

Luke, New York City,

Luke slowly opened his eyes, looking around to see he was in the living Room, of his Penthouse apartment. As the image of the Dream started fading. It was the same Dream! He has every year around this time. Right before his yearly get together! With the Gang at the Summer House. All of them.. But one.. "Skyler. She has never been back after that One Summer..

Maddison had told him ones that. Not even a month! After we all went home! Skyler's mother had past! Away and that Skyler had taken it hard.. And that she didn't get to talk to her much anymore.. And when they did.. Skyler didn't want to talk about Him. God! That had hurt!!.. Luke! Missed her so Dame! Much!! He took a deep! Breath. Letting it out! In a rush! Of frustration. He was so! Pissed! At himself! For never! Telling her just how much! He was in love with her..

But it was to late now.. He couldn't keep beating! Himself up for it. The past was in the past! It is what it is... He had to let it go!! He plopped" his head back on the trow pillow" Sara had insisted on. Luke groaned.. Then there's Sara Belarus. His girlfriend for the last Two years.. She Had insisted it needed the little pillows to ad a little! Color to liven Up the place...

He laid there for a minute" watch the celling fan. The blades on it" turning at a steady pace.. Luke took another" well needed deep breath. Letting it out in a rush" as he closed his eyes" against the pain.. The pain That alway! Hit him! After the Dream.. The One of there. One and only! Amazing! Summer together....

Luke got up off the couch! In a agitated movements. With the frustrated need! To do away with his thoughts. He made his way over" to the Mini Bar! He had in the corner of the living Room. He grabbed" a clean glass twirling! It in his hand" then flipped it! One good time. Setting in down hard! On the counter.. Taking a minute to! Try and get Himself! Under some kind of Control. He was losing! It.

He was Breathing hard" again. His hands! Found there way to the Bar top. His grip. Was like a death! Grip on it. His head down! Rocking to and from.. The Hurt! Rolling threw! Him. Was almost unbearable. Then he reached underneath it" for the one thing" that could help! With the pain.. The one and only tequila.. He pored a generics amount. Tossing! It back.. Relishing the feel of it...

Luke's head Fell back on his neck. Closing his eyes as the! Tequila made it's self! Known! To him! Leaving its fiery trail! Along the way! All the way down to his gut.. Then his hole body flooded with! The Familiar welcome Heat! He had been waiting on. Luke then pored himself one more, then put the bottle back in it place of honor... For his yearly meetings with it..

Luke gave a not" so humors sneed huff at his thoughts.. This was the only time he touched the stuff.. But hopefully! This would be the last year he would need it.... Because! Soon! He was going to ask Sara to marry" him... It was time to get over Skyler... And move on with his life.. Sara was the only one! He! had ever! Come close to being able to love.. And he wanted a family of his on. All of his friends were, why! Ahead! Of him as it was..

And this would be his last year! Of going back to the Summer House. The others would be mad at him. But he couldn't do it.. Ones him and Sara were married. He couldn't take her with him. Not! "THERE" It wouldn't be fare too Sara.. Because that was the place! He had given his heart to another! And never got it back... So this would be his last time! With them there.. At Were it all had began. And were it had all came to a end. The Summer House... Would always be! His! And Skyler's. Always! And! Forever...

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