(Luke's on a Mission)

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That next morning the hole Gang was sitting around the living room, after breakfast. The kids were outside playing. Being watch by the older kids. Skyler was sitting on the arm of the chair Luke's was sitting in. Her arms hung around his neck loosely. While they went over the plans for the day. Luke reached around to hug Skyler to him as he lend up and kissed her softly.

Ones the kiss was over, he smiled up at her. Then he pulled away a little lending to the side. He pulled out his billfold. Here baby. I want you to take this. What is it? She frowned. Looking down at it. It's my Visa Gold. It's unlimited. I want you to order anything, and everything thing, you could posable want, to turn this into our home. Don't hold back.

He took her face into his hands gently. Kissing her. But Luke? Se- he cut her off. And I want to take the boys one day next week to let them pick out what they want in there rooms. Luke your going to spoil them if you keep it up! She laughed. But Luke wasn't smiling. Don't take this the wrong way. He whispered. But I just want to try and make up some of the time I missed with them.

Skyler's face feel. As she whispered, Luke- Don't! I wasn't trying to be mean. I'm not mad at you ok baby. Please! Believe me when I tell you that. I just want to give you guys the best life I can. Please! Don't deny me the chance to do this please!?.. I want to do this. I love you baby. Help me make this place into our home. Skyler nodded. Ok... She smiled..

Just then, Josie come into the living room. Did I just hear someone say. Unlimited?! Visa! Gold? Uhh! This is going to be so much fun!... Joy" then piped in sighing. Just be thankful you have a! "Certified" PrOfessional! Interior Designer/ Decorator. On hand! To Help spent your money. That had the hole room laughing. Luke held his Visa Gold up, have at it girls. Luke hid his sneaky smile. That are to keep the girls busy for a while. Skyler cut into his thoughts.

Don't worry sweetheart. She said. Snatching the card out of his hands before Joy, are Jamie, could get there hand on it. I'll rain them in before they spent to much. Luke chuckled. He pulled her into his lap. Thank you, he chuckled. And Baby" listen! To me. I'm not worried about the money! You hear me?. I have more then I could spend in 10 life times. Aww! Music to my ears! Heather sighed. As she pretended to fainted across Sid's lap. The guys started ragging him. Boy you've done, done it now.

D. C held his hand to Luke's head. Dude? You feeling alright? There going to clean you out if you give them that. You know that right?!.. Mark "gasped out. There's 9 of them! Dude! Sid yelled. Think about this first!.. Your committing! Financial Suicide!.. That had some of the girls gasping! "Hey"! As they started! Pouncing! On him. Throwing" trow pillows at him. After that, all the girls garbed the Home Interior magazines. Heading to the front porch. Phones in hand.

It was around 9 o'clock when J.T shouted. Hey! Luke? Man I have a really! Huge favor to ask. Finely! He sighed smiling. Luke dropped the smile. So no one new what was up. So" when he turn to face J.T, he had a blank look on his face. Ya! Man. What's up? J.T had a twinkle in his eyes. But also had a strait face on.

I wanted to see if you wouldn't mind running to town for me? And pick up this list of supplies, he asked. Handing it to him. We'll" you know" he surged. Sense your the money man and all. He joked" .That had everyone laughing. The lumber truck had just gotten there with there Order, they had placed yesterday. And now they had all gathered together to help unload it.

Luke laughed. Shore man no prob. I'll head out now. There were a few things, I needed to look at anyways. I'll just kill two birds with one stone. He smiled. Thanks man, J.T gave him a knowing smile. Getting back to work with the unloading. Luke run over to Skyler who was trying to hide her on smile. Luke winked at her. I'll be back just as soon as I can he whispered. Skyler kissed him.

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