Our love will find a way ( the brakeing point )

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Over the next's few week, Skyler avoided" Luke like the pelage! And she always" made shore she ether, run" before him, or after he got back. The only time" they were in the same room"together, was when they "were all in a group. It was driving him crazy!! He'd even tried to sneak" into her room" a few times! To" try talking to her! But her door" would always be locked. It was driving him" Nuts!!

Luke didn't know" how much more" he could take! Something" had to give! An soon! The nights" were the worst, he'd wake up" sweating! Dreaming"of her, they were always" the same. He was making" love to her! Bearded" so "deep" inside her" tight little body! As he'd thrust" in an out! F**k!!! Luke set up" out of bed, knowing there be" no more sleep tonight, and a cold" shower wasn't" going to help!! they hadn't so far. A man" could only j**k"off so"meany times, an the last two, weeks! Have been! H*ll! He has done it"more times' the he could count!..

Luke growned, I need a run! So he slipped his shoes on, heading" for the door, he made it out of the house" without weakening" anyone up. He headed for the lake, the moon" was out to help light his way" He was half way around, when he spotted" someone up ahead of him. He couldn't" believe his eyes! After" all this time! There she was! Jogging at a slow pase, lost in her on thoughts.

She" must have Hurd me" for she turned her head" around to look back. Then" she just took off! Running" faster! Ow! H*ll no! Your not getting away" from me that easy!! Sweetheart! Luke admitted she was fast! But not faster" then him. When he was close enuff that he thought" she could hear him, He shouted, Skyler" stop! We need" to talk!

No Luke" you already" said what you needed" to say. The h*ll! I did! Just stop! Sky! Please!!!?....No!! She shouted, just leave" me alone Luke! then she started" Running faster. Dame! She was fast! It took Luke" a minute, are two, too catch up to her, he reached out, snagging" her around the wast, he flipped" them" before they hit the ground" with Skyler landing on top off him!

Skyler came up! Sputtering! an mad! As H*ll!! What the! F**k! is wrong! with you Luke! Are! you! Crazy!!? He just lade there for a minute, trying to get his wind back. He then managed a "Ya I am, I'm" crazy" about you! Skyler,, That shut" her up, Skyler then flopped" down next to him, asking, are you ok Luke? Are you hurt" anywhere?

Luke laugh" was a dry one. Do you mean"besides being in misery" for the last two weeks? Are? because" you've been avoiding" me, an slowly" killing me" with your looks? You know, the ones" you'd send my way" when you didn't think" I was looking? Then ya! I'm fine. You?

She was so" quiet, Luke was worried" he'd really did" hurt her, when they fell! He raised his" head up, to look at her. Sky? I'm fine! she whispered, he just nodded, then he Hurd" her say, I'm sorry" he looked at her" bent head, an his heart" gave a hard" tump. I" am to Skyler. Can" you forgive me?

Before" she could answer, there was a rolling" thunder over head! an a flash" of lighting! Shit! Luke" grumbled, he know they'd never beet" the rain back to the house" but there was"a little lean hut" close by. Hey! Skyler? He asked, looking around, do you know" if we past that lean too hut yet? Skyler looked around to, trying" to find a land mark, then she spotted one. No" it's up ahead probably" another 50, yards are so.

Luke go up, offering her" his hand, come on" we better hurry" before it gets worse. It was already" sprinkling, an starting to pick up. By the time the little hut" came into view, they were soaked! They dashed" in just as the bottom" fell out. Then it started" poring the rain.

J.T stood at the window "worried, he'd Hurd" Luke leave, an not to long "after that, then the rain" start up, it was a few minutes, until he made out some movement" across the lake. He smiled, as he saw the light" in the little hut" on the other side, then he made out" two figures moving around.

He was glad" he'd thought to stock" it up with the necessities! He chuckled" to himself, It's was about" time! They talked. They" had been so busy" avoiding each other, that neither" one cough that it was suppose" to rain all night, an well"" into mid morning" tomorrow, they were going" to be there for a while...

J.T just shuck" his head, crawling" back in bed" with the love" of his life, Maddison syed, turning" in J.Ts arms, So? she whispered, how are the love" birds doing? J.T chuckled, replying, trapped in the hut" on the other side" of the lake, Maddison laughted! Good! maybe will get some pease" around here now! J.T chuckled! snuggling" closer to her, I love you baby! So much! Maddison" smile, I love you to Jacob, goodnight sweetheart.

Luke fumbled" around in the dark, trying" to find some kind of light. Well I'll" be da**ed! Skyler" Hurd, What? She asked, the next thing she new, there was a match" strike! then a small" flame, She smiled as Luke touched" the flame to a lamp" that was sitting on a small, round table" in the center of the Little" hut. It only had 3 walls! With the front" open to the "elements.

Sky backed" deeper into the hut, to keep" the rain from hitting her. Luke's walked around" checking everything out, he saw a small pot belly stove" in the corner, an on the opposite" wall, was a twin cot. Skyler blushed" turning away.

Luke saw Skyler blushing" when there eyes fell" on the cot, so Luke busied" himself with starting" a small fire in the stove, to try an word" off some of the cooler air, caused by the cold" rain. They were both" socked! Hey Luke? Come here, an help me, there's a flap" tide up over the front here, maybe" we can lower it, an keep" the rain out.

Luke helped" Skyler lower the heavy black tarp" like door, and before" they new it, the warmth" of the fire started" filling the small hut, Even with the warmth" of the fire thou, Luke" Hurd Skyler's shivers, an her teeth" chattering, He turned to her, it killed" him! Seeing her" in misery like that! Luke couldn't" help himself, it has felt" like forever! since He'd" touched her.

So, Luke did" the one thing He has been aching" to do! He opened" his arms to her, she only hesitated" for a moment, then walked" into them, snuggling" as close" as she could get" to him. The moment" Luke closed" his arms around Skyler, It was like" common home! She felt" so good! He couldn't help" but breath her in, Luke closed his eyes, laying" his check on the top" of her head, they stood" like that for the longest" time. Then he slowly" pulled back a little, looking Skyler" in the eyes, silently" asking.

Skyler" gave Luke" a small smile, nodding" Are you shore" Skyler? He asked, That you want" to do this? ,,, So in answer" an with out" words,, She just brushed" her lips to his, Luke"smiled at her,with so much" of what He was feeling" inside,,shinning" in his eyes, there were" no need" for words! Luke pulled" her as close" as he could" as Her lips" meet his, in total" surrender.


Cliff! Hanger!! Lol don't hate me!! Sorry guys but it gets R- rated! After this point an I need to let any of my younger readers know! not to go beyond this point! I've put some almost moments for you guys, but now! It's all Adults from here. If you guys want the jest of the rest of my book, message me an I'll tell you. Thank you. I hope you have liked it so far.... So please! Vote!! Comment!! I need them!! Happy reading! You guys!!





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