Our love will find a way( Skyler)

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Skyler Ramisy, stood on the curb watching for her cousin, Maddison.. She really didn't want to be here.... She would reather be home, with her mom. You see, ( My Mum is sick. She has been in "stage 2 cancer" now, for the last 2 years. And I "haven't left her ones". "Up until, now.."

It was her falt I'm here. She tricked me into comeing. She had, had a really bad, spell...while I was at school. Miss Jameson, the office secretary, had called me out of class to inform me. I rushed to the hospital!! When at first I saw mum. I thought this was it!! She had been, gasping for air. I was in tears "Sobbing".

My mum smiled at me, as I walked in. Hey Baby Girl? She softly whispered... Yes, mommy? I replied. She sighed, then whispered. I need you to,,, "To promise me something". She held out her hand to me. I "took it into my "Trembling ones. I want you to" she had to "stop for a moment, "sighing a little. "Taking another deep "breath, and then "tried again. I need you to "promise me something. "Ok sweetheart? "She'd finely got out. "The tears were "rolled down my face, I cried" anything mommy! "Just name it..

So "Here" I am. "Dam- it! "She had made me promise! to come spend the "Summer with my cousin "Maddison" If she "recovered" enough to go home.. "I can't "believe she "punked me. "She told me later on. "Baby" I just want you to have at lest! "One Summer off! "From all this. "And have some "fun for ones in your life. "Please "Skyler" do this for me.

"Now" "Remember! You promised me right? All I could do was "nod, An then my! "Oh So" "Lovely, "Mum" went over bored. With all new clothes! "That I "wasn't all that "happy" with. "But when I "tried to tell her. "That I couldn't "possibly wear them. "She just started "sobbing . "So as you can see" I caved. "And let her have her way. "Gurrrrrrr".

So "here I am, an "Maddison is late. She had told me she would be "here to pick me up at, 7 am sharp. I'm kinda "peeved" because I've been here for over "30 minuets now" an still "No" Maddison! "Dam-it".

I've already been "hit on, "more times "then I can "count. "Ive even had one, really! "Nice looking guy" ask if I needed a "lift somewhere. But from the "ones over, "he gave me. I'm "pretty shore! He was "offering me a "lot more, then just a ride. "Oh Man" Maddison" you "better, "hurry up! "Girl...

I had given him a "kind smile, and "thank him. As I "declined his offer. "My cousin will be here soon to "pick me up...."But Thank you, for being so "nice to offer.

I saw the "disappointment in his eyes. "But I was grateful, when he just "nodded. As he walked away. "SHEWWW" That was close! The crowed was so thick" And I couldn't see over most of them. "Hoping id "spot Maddy soon.

Well, as I like to call her anyway... I'm the one that "actually started calling her that, "when we were younger.. I smiled at the memery. For the longest time "I was the only one she let "call her "Maddy. But now as they were "older. She only lets her closes, "friends and "family call her "By the nickname.

Thinking back, when we were small. I was like, 4 and she was 5 "maybe. I remembered I "had a hard time "pronouncing" Maddison, right. For when I tried to say her name. It would came out more like "Medicine! Then "Maddison. Then one day "I asked her. "Can" I just "call you "Maddy? I "wined".

She had "just smiled at me, and nodded. "Maddy's works she "giggled. So from then on "that was what "I called her. "Maddy. And she would get so "mad! If anyone else tried, to call her that. "She'd yell! At them. "Only! Sky! Gets! To! Calls me that!!. Skyler come back to the present" chuckling to herself.

God! She "loved that girl.. You see "Maddy's not just my cousin,,, she's also my "best friend. She has been there for me, "like none off our "other family has been.

I was trying, to "stand own my "tippy toes, so I could look over the "crowd. "Hoping I would "spot her" soon. "At "5/7 " I wasn't all that "short, "But the move, had caused "my hot "pink Minnie skirt" to ride up! "Showing some of my bottom".

I Hurd a few "cat calls. an "some one " let out a "shrill! I "blushed "madly, I tried to "hide it, but my "blond hair, an lite, blue/gray eyes. "Didn't help much. I pulled" at the hem. "Trying to cover as "much of my "backside as i could. "Thanks again "mum. I "huffed out... "Just great!....
Hey guys.. I hope your enjoying the story so far. And I hope you Read on! For There's a lot more to come... Thanks again.. Please Vote! And are comment.. I'd love to here from you..

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