7- Rome

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Streams of light hit my face, slowly spreading and making the room brighter as the sun pierces through a big window.

A pounding headache reminds me of why I am not waking up in my room. The bare white walls are a sharp contrast to the colorful ones I am used to, which are always covered in pictures and wallpaper. Waking up in a room that is not my own has become a routine of mine, and I found that it is easier to avoid my problems when I avoid my house altogether. Somehow, they have become synonyms.

A soft vibration on the bedside table anchors me back to reality, forcing my tired eyes open and wide as I reach over the soft pillows and grab my phone. I let the call go to voicemail, seeing Autumn's picture light up the screen of my phone. There are nearly fifty texts and missed calls from my two best friends, and my eyes flip through the many messages and questions. Quickly, I text back that I am alive and beg her to pick me up from the party, before dropping my phone back onto the bed.

I stand up, moving the warm covers off of my body.

My legs shuffle into the room's private bathroom, feeling sore and stiff. I wash off my make-up, cursing myself for not taking it off last night. The air feels empty; like my body is missing a presence or craving the company of someone else. It isn't until I catch myself in the mirror that I realize what feels different.

Lucas's red hoodie is draped across my torso.

The soft fabric rubs against my bare skin as I lean forward to turn off the water. I cross my arms over my chest subconsciously, the warm cloth wrapped around my body. The only thing I feel in his hoodie is comfort. Gently, the scent of Lucas fills my nose, reminding me of a forest. I can't figure out why, but being surrounded by a piece of Lucas makes me feel calm.

The smell of wood and earth suffocates my mind until being around him is all I can think about.

My bliss is quickly poisoned, however, and the memories of Jason flood back into my head. Swimming in the pool, initially, I felt nothing but confidence. I knew that eyes were on me and everyone's attention was spent watching me as I danced underwater. Painful to know that within minutes I had felt smaller and weaker than ever before. I was made to feel insignificant at the hands of a man who should mean nothing to me.

I grimace, letting the ghost of Lucas's protection push the images of Jason out of my mind until I can forget about the night entirely. 

My phone shaking on top of the bed reminds me of my friends, and a quick peek out of the room's massive window reveals Autumn's red BMW sitting in the parking lot. I collect all of my things in a single hand before pushing them all into the hoodie's pocket. I decide to leave my still-wet dress hanging in the small bathroom. Despite the fact that I looked amazing in it last night, I never want to put it on again.

I tug against the door before realizing that it has been locked. Slightly confused as to how the door was sealed, I turn the latch from the inside of the room. With a small creak, the door swings open and I realize Lucas must have locked it before leaving me alone.

Alex, the boy who lives here while his father has custody, is nowhere to be found as I peruse his house. I consider leaving him a small note, maybe saying thanks-for-letting-me-crash-here-again! or something of the sort, but I figure I can buy him a bottle of his favorite vodka to make up for it instead.

Shutting the front door behind me, I do a quiet walk of shame toward the bright red car. Autumn is sitting behind the wheel, a phone held between her ear and her shoulder while she clips her fingernails. Chloe (because she can never sit still) leans over the seat divider and honks the horn at me, countless times. I push my hands against my ears harder with every step I get closer to the car until finally I open the car door.

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