28- Lucas

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Subjects I have never had to make an effort in previously suddenly seem impossible, the touch of the devil at my side stealing my ability to think. Even the review unit in history has me guessing my answers, some questions are even left blank as Rome rests her hand on my leg beneath the table.

Distance doesn't stop her baits, as I learned in Chemistry class. Despite the challenge of being sat on opposite sides of the room from each other, Rome watched me the whole time as she leaned against her desk, not bothering to pull the collar of her shirt higher up.

She only quits the miserable game she's playing when my face turns pink, turning away from her with tortuous thoughts.

"What do you think about the comparison between fuedalism and capitalism?" Rome asks in a sultry voice that sends goosebumps down my arm.

A stuttering mess, I can't piece together an answer, focused only on the discrete finger she trails across my skin.

Before, the small touches would have slowed my brain and been a distraction. Yes, it took a lot of effort to ignore Rome's soft pout or her dangerously warm body, but at least then I didn't know how those things felt. Her accidental temptations were dampened by the unattainability of any results, the knowledge that I would never have the chance to act on those urges made it far easier to ignore them.

Now, with Rome's feelings towards me exposed and me knowing exactly how those lips feel against my own, her features become an invitation that I'm struggling to reject. Only last week I was able to talk to her without the ghost of her kisses trailing down my neck emerging as my sole thought.

It doesn't help that we haven't kissed since the soccer game, not that Rome hasn't offered.

Resisting the desire of Rome is nearly impossible, but every time I catch us alone together I remind myself that to give in to her would only be leading us both on. Our time together is borrowed, every sweet kiss would end when her parents saw us together or when graduation approaches and our lives divert.

And even if Rome is happy with me now, she won't always be.

My lower class life or lack of experience will disappoint her, even if she doesn't realize it now. So I keep denying her, pretending like my body doesn't burn every time she looks at me, and I pretend I don't see her looks of hurt every time I turn away from her.

She hasn't asked why I was avoiding her after I met her parents, either, as if she knows what my answer is going to be. I wonder if the pressure weighs down on her like it does me, if she considers what her parents would approve of or criticize after every moment she shares with me.

Aching for her, I miss the days when we would spend entire class periods talking, mocking our teachers or teasing each other about different things. Yet, despite how good Rome kisses, nothing has changed with our situation. I'm still struggling with money, while the sound of Rome's parents' insisting that she date a buisnessman's child echoes in his mind. A future with her has a price I cannot afford to pay, no matter how much she means to me. I itch to give in to her embrace, but knowing she deserves better than what I can offer her has me hesitating. Not for the first time, I wish I had more to promise to Rome. Between handing my wages to endless bills and dedicating my time to an education that might never award me enough scholarships to attend anywhere, I'm not good enough for her.

I drop my pencil, turning in my seat so I can face her.

"We should talk." I say bluntly, her body freezing at my words.

"Are you asking me out?" She recovers quickly, a cocky smile on her lips that attempts to ease away my sobering words.

"Rome, I'm being serious."

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