27- Rome

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AHHHHHHHH warning: slightly mature

"Chloe, where's the jersey you promised to wear?" Adrien leans against the metal link fence that separates him from the fans and spectators of the game.

"I told you I wasn't doing that." Chloe cross her arms, giving Adrien a glare that would have sent most men running in the opposite direction.

In the lunch periods leading up to the Thursday night soccer game, a bet had been brokered to force Chloe to sit in the stadium, cheering on the lovestruck boy in his jersey as long as he won every game this week. Even with the odds stacked against him, our school playing two of the best teams in the league the nights prior, Adrien not only won the games but scored for his team every night.

"That's too bad, you would have looked so good with my name on your back," he grins before letting go of the chain fence and jogging towards his teammates, warming up for the last game of the week.

On the otherside of the fence, we tease Chloe's pink cheeks as she pretends not to watch the athlete stretch.

Adrien is learning the hard way that no one can make Chloe do anything she doesn't want to, even if we all can tell how much she likes it when Adrien teases her with his flirts and compliments.

Around us is a small group of friends, a random assortment of people Adrien knows, all excited to watch him play in one of his last high school games. He was scouted the other week for his dream school, UC Santa Barbara, and wanted to gather a few people in order to celebrate the amazing accomplishment.

Classmates, old teammates, and even two of his coworkers sit around us to commemorate all of his hard work. Chloe told me all of this on our way here, refusing to respond to my questions about how she knows these details about Adrien.

The ice between them seemed to have melted after the party over the weekend, although Chloe still refuses to return the flirtatious comments that I know are on her mind.

I should be getting to know the strangers gathered as we all watch the teams run their warm up lap around the field. And even though I know it would be a good idea to introduce myself to the cute boy with a buzzed head at the lowest bench in our section, my attention is stuck on Lucas instead.

A green sweater covers his upper body, paired with black jeans, the dark colors only seem to brighten his light curls. The orange sky from the slowly setting sun doesn't help me, either, as it paints his skin in a glowy hue. Any other week and I would be at his side instead of the red-haired girl he supposedly works with, who smiles up at him everytime he opens his mouth. But instead I've been pushed to the opposite side of the group, forced to watch the ginger inch her thigh closer to his as they complain about their manager together.

Lucas has been avoiding me the whole week, politely ignore my attempts to talk to him.

Since he walked away from my house that morning, leaving me to face my parents' anger and lectures alone, he's been distant. I've never introduced someone like him to my parents before, someone rich in generosity rather than money, and I wasn't sure what reaction they would have. I definitely wasn't expecting to see them at all, either, and the opportunity to give Lucas at least a humane impression of my family was stolen by their cruel assumptions.

My parents had always been judgmental of any boys or friends I brought home, but the insults and implications based on Lucas's economic status was not something I was prepared for.

The gaps between lectures in history class are filled with silence now instead of the chatter we refused to give up only last week, and my invitations to hang out after school have all been dismissed.

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