35- Rome

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i've taken extensive time to plan the last three chapters. although this one isn't perfect or entirely done, i wanted to release it for you all while i finish writing the final chapter. they all will be published by thanksgiving and the epilogue some time later :>

Subtle college pamphlets are slipped under my door every day after my parents attend the school's practice ceremony for graduation. They're all papers promising academies for troubled girls or internships that scream nepotism. I can't ignore them either, since everytime I run into my parents in my cold house I am asked questions about my future.

"Have you looked through the institute of business? You need a plan if you ever want to amount to anything."
"Why are you home? You should be using your time more wisely."
"We have raised you for seventeen years, Rome, the least you could do is try to repay us."

During my entire childhood I prayed that they would start talking to me and asking questions about my life instead of ignoring my presence or forgetting my existence, yet I would do anything to take those prayers back. It doesn't matter that they have never once tried to help me find a career or support my interests, my parents are demanding that I suddenly find a job that they approve of.

I'm completely lost in the search, watching everyone around me get excited for their dream college or starting a career as soon as they graduate while I am being left behind. Autumn will be thousands of miles away from me attending Harvard, Chloe is moving to Los Angelos to work for her Uncle's company, and although Lucas doesn't have any options now, he's destined for greater things than our superficial city.

Leaving me with no one and no future.

Allured by the chance to explore my options a little longer, I've toyed with the idea of leaving my house and experiencing life outside of the choices I've been told construct my cage. Maybe working as a volunteer for lawyers in social justice, helping with teachers in schools, or even chasing the stars like Lucas does with his science classes.

I have the privilege of time and money to make my decision, and I would love to do something good with it. Lucas has taught me that the only thing I have ever craved was being useful to others, so maybe by helping people in need I can help heal myself.

But now, with my parents watching everything I do and reminding me every idea I have is a bad one, there's no chance they will let me out of their grasp without a plan that benefits them.

The door bell rings softly through the wide living room of my house, bringing me into a sprint instantly. Chloe has always waited to be let in, even after years of coming over and having my room feel like a second home to her.

I wrap her in a hug the moment she slips inside, desperate for the reassurance that she's here, that I'm not alone anymore.

"Calm down," Chloe chuckles, peeling me from her body, "or I'll have to tell your boyfriend you're cheating on him."

"Whatever," I grin, not surprised by her lack of affection. I pull her into my room quickly, avoiding my judgemental parents in the living room by shutting the door. I haven't been able to see much of my friends for the past two weeks, everyone too busy preparing for graduation or finals in our classes. Lunch that we would normally have together has been sporadic and broken up by club meetings, tutoring, or last minute studying. Twice everyone was able to hang out together, but Chloe cancelled both times without a reason, although she's been fine seeing Autumn and I in classes away from everyone else.

Needless to say, I miss her.

"We have so much to catch up on," I say, falling onto my bed and facing the blonde.

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