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Soft fingers skim across Chloe's shoulders and back, a touch she's started loving every morning that it's gentle kiss against her warm skin wakes her up. Chloe expects to find a vacant bed each time she opens her eyes instead of the shirtless partner who wraps his arms under hers and nuzzles her closer to his chest. It doesn't matter that it's been weeks of shameless hook ups after lively parties and tension charged flirtation in the middle of school hallways; Chloe is too scared to expect the best thing in her life to last.

The make up from the night before is rubbing off of her face, colors partly shadowed into her eye lids. The wild look reminds Adrien of everything they did until sunrise, chasing adventure through bars and bodies. Her beautiful figure is covered in a shirt of his, making him want to kiss her over and over again.

Adrien's certain he's finally caught his evasive treasure, her heart hesitantly reflecting the way she has owned his for so long. He doesn't mind how long it could take to prove how much he really loves her. Not her body or her reckless excitement, but the way she can turn any bad emotion into happiness or how she smiles when she's truly vulnerable. Since she first let him show her what worshipping her body felt like, she's started to trust that he won't use and leave her a little more. He'll keep working away her fears and showing her what she deserves to believe exists.

He's waited three years to show her what real love feels like, what's one more?

Though Chloe hides it with forced indifference and a sassy attitude, she's terrified of showing how much she really cares for him. In truth, the weeks of sneaking out of her hate filled home for midnight drives, of hearing him compliment her at school and threaten boys not to talk to her, have been the best of her life. It would be so easy, so right, to commit to him and let their time together become public.

But then Adrien would see how much power he has over her. Chloe hasn't cared much for any boy since she started dating in freshman year, and never has she loved anyone as much as she does Adrien. Once he knows how vulnerable he's made her, Chloe's convinced it would be easier for him to abandon her than stay at her side.

If her own mother viewed Chloe as flawed and second-best, how could she expect Adrien to not leave her the second he found someone better?

It was easier to bury her love for him than cut herself on the shards of a broken heart. She's learned that lesson too many times before.

Swirling a strand of golden hair around his finger, Adrien's eyes track Chloe as she finally lifts her heavy eyelids and shifts her body to face the boy laying behind her. Slapping his hand away from her head for good measure, she raises her own finger to play with his mop of brown hair.

"I bet you don't appreciate it when I do it back," she glowers despite the smile spreading across her face. Even his messy bed-head looks perfect to her, his green eyes following the movement.

Adrien closes his eyes as if the touch of her hand from his scalp to the ends of his shaggy hair was paradise. "No, I think I could stay like this all day," he says before wincing and snapping his eyes back open, catching Chloe in the act of flicking his forehead.

Her laughter only multiplies when he gasps in offense, earning retaliation by snaking his arms around her and squeezing her to his chest.

"Ew! Let go!" She squirms as Adrien pretends to fall asleep, refusing to loosen his tight grip that holds them together in a cuddle. "Adrien, I did not agree to touch you." Chloe spits out the word as if they went a single minute without each other's body heat in the bed since midnight. Even on the yacht last night, in front of a group that would normally have meant no contact, they couldn't let go of each other.

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