30- Rome

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Buttery scents and a salty smell assault my nose as Autumn opens another bag of popcorn. The microwave has been beeping for at least two minutes while she argues with Adrien about the proper amount of butter to place in the bowls of the movie treat. I'm too preoccupied with setting up the countless blankets on top of the couch to notice Lucas before he's already behind me.

"Boo!" He squeezes the sides of my waists, successfully making me jump in fright and elbowing him in the ribs.

"Not funny!" I grapple for a bowl of popcorn on top of the coffee table, filling my hand with the greasy snack before throwing a piece at him.

Opening his mouth to catch the popcorn, he's still laughing at my reaction. "If you find me scary, how are you going to handle a horror movie? You're going to be screaming the whole time."

"Demons, witches, dolls," I wave a hand dramatically, "that's nothing. Your face is scarier than all of them."

He gasps, holding a hand over his heart like I wounded him. His hurt demeanor changes when he pulls me into him instead, snaking a hand under my chin and gently kissing my lips a single time. "You don't act like you hate my face." His smug voice trails down my spine.

"Maybe don't make out in my living room?" Adrien sighs, placing two more bowls of candy and popcorn onto the table in front of the couch. I only giggle in response, pressing a kiss against Lucas's cheek before he gets yelled at by his best friend. I'm wearing a hoodie that Lucas let me borrow, although he doesn't know that he's not getting it back. The fabric still smells like him, the earthy scent of his hair coming to mind as I sniff the cuff of the sleeve one more time.

Time has not been on our side recently, with Lucas constantly rejecting my plans at best and completely neglecting them at worst.

Last night we were an hour away from meeting for a picnic, my outfit picked and make up done, before I recieved the text that he was called into work. I understand why he has to cancel on me so much, and I make sure to be supportive on the days that he's too drained to spend time with me, but it doesn't make the feeling any less painful.

Sometimes I question if he regrets asking me to be his girlfriend, or if I am something he only wants to display rather than truly interact with. I tell myself everytime the insecurities slide their way into my mind that Lucas isn't like the people who have done that to me before. The reason we can't be alone much together has nothing to do with me, and it isn't because he only wants people to see us together. How could I be so self-centered to be offended by his problems?

Moments like these help remind me that everythig between us is real. When he whispers in my ear or holds me in his arms, I forget all of my fears instantly.

Chloe clatters open a cabinet door inside Adrien's dining room, drawing my attention to her frantic state.

"What are you doing?" I whisper-shout, coming up behind her and crounching under the counter top like she is. Her fingers are touching most of the porcelien, surveying them as if she was checking their value.

"Do you know how expensive these are?" She gapes.

"What?" I worry that my best friend has lost her mind. Suddenly she grips my wrists, yanking me up and hurridly leading me to the massive window stretching across the dining room. The house's massive backyard comes into view, acres of land stretching wide in between the brick walls that encase Adrien's property. With the sun setting at the edge of the long horizon, the landscape appears to glow. With subtle hills and gardens across the entire field, the property is definitely pricey and beautiful, but I'm not in as much awe as she is.

"I thought my parents were rich, but this is insane. Did you see all of the sports cars in the parking lot? I never would have guessed that Adrien was so wealthy. He definitely doesn't act like it." She huffs, crossing her arms in spite. I can't tell if it's because Adrien must be worth more money than her, or because he's proven a point she has never wanted to believe.

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