Chapter 5 ~ Healing at 19

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~Song Playlist Inspiration:

~ Shinedown rock music


2 months later, in 2016 still


In such a short time frame, so much can happen. I should have known things would get out of control.

Before I knew it, BamBam did not want me around the Got7 members, including my boyfriend.

I know it's my first love, which most would say never last. Call me silly and slap me twice, but I thought it would work since we had similar experiences.

I know people would judge me because of my one mistake one night with Jimin and Tae. I know how wrong it was.

Well, things exploded one night when I was off and wanted to surprise Yug and drop by his apartment.

Sometimes, I wonder why these things happen to me. I am always running into something I shouldn't hear.

I had his spare at this point, so I just let myself in.

Then I heard it and was in disbelief, so I walked over, opened the door, and started taking pictures.

All the while screaming surprise bitch.

I was mad and so angry that I didn't see it coming. All the signs were there.

Bambam is always around, not wanting me to be alone with anyone in Got7, and Yug is just saying that Bambam is our age, too, and wants to be friends as well.

They freaked out when they saw me, saying I was not supposed to be here.

I wanted to surprise you since I have your spare, and we are both off simultaneously, which doesn't happen often.

Yug said, "Ah, shit, I forgot you had my spare. Crap, okay, I am sorry. Do you want to join? We wouldn't mind a threesome."

I was literally going to lose it. How dare he ask me that by saying sorry in the same sentence?

I then said, "No, fuck this. Have you been cheating with BamBam? Well, two months ago, about a week after, we did it for the first time. I had a threesome with Jimin and Tae. a one-night stand, some would call it. So go fuck yourself. If I want to do it again, I will grab them. We are over, broken up."

I threw his key and flowers and left with BamBam yelling nonsense. I blocked it all out. When I got in my car, I blocked Bambam and Yug on my phone and all my social media accounts.

I drive fast, unsafely, and emotionally, returning to our dorms. Slowly losing it, I walked past everyone with tears on my face.

Why must today be the day everyone decided to be at the dorms?

I threw myself in my room, quickly locked it, and then took a bath with that door locked and closed.

Before getting in the tub, I screamed, why, and cried like a baby. I hit the bathroom wall as hard as I could over and over again.

It felt so good to get it all out, knowing I would have to explain later to everyone I walked past what happened.

I feel so hurt even though I did the same. What's wrong with me?


Tae POV:

JK just came, ignored everyone, and locked himself in his room.

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