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12:28 PM

London walked alongside a few women, watching Tony, Rodrigo, and four other men carry Nick's casket to the hearse. She hugged each woman before parting ways with them and headed for her truck.

She opened the door and climbed inside but noticed another one of the guys approaching her truck before she could close the door.

"Hey, London, do you think you can come back to HQ with a couple of us real quick?"

"For what?" London looked at the guy through her side mirror.

"Six got somethin' he wanna talk to you about."

"Can it wait until after the burial?" She then took off her sunglasses, ruffling her curls. "I'm sure you understand I don't wanna miss out on that."

"Yeah, I'll let him know, but once it's all done, come straight to HQ, alright?"

London hummed and finally shut the driver's side door, following behind the hearse and a few stretched limousines to Nick's burial site.

Throughout the drive, London was silent. She ignored the few calls coming to her phone and she didn't bother touching her stereo – it was almost as if she had dissociated, only to zone back in after twenty minutes and she had reached the cemetery.

12:46 PM

As London watched Nick's casket lower into the ground, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket, so she pulled out the device, greeted by a phone call from Six brightening her screen.

With a small sigh, she stepped away from the burial site, her phone to her ear. "Yeah?"

"How're you feeling, kid?"

"Like shit, but I'll manage." London sighed again. "One of the boys told me that you wanted me to come back to HQ. Why?"

"That's something we need to discuss in private. You know how I was Creed's second in command, right?"

London hummed.

"Well, all I'm gonna say is that the chain of command's been talking. You'll figure it out when you get back here, alright?"

London's face slowly twisted into a slight frown. "Uh, okay...? I'll...see you when I get there..." She looked around to see where Tony and Rodrigo were. "You want me to go to Nick's office or somewhere else?"

"Conference room on the fourth floor. You remember where that is, right?"

"Of course." London saw Tony stretch out his thumb and pinky, holding them both up to his ear and mouthing, "Who," and she responded with her index finger held up as a signal for him to wait a moment.

A few seconds later, London hung up, and Tony took that opportunity to walk up to her. "Who was that?"

"Six." London simply stated. "He needs me back at HQ for...something..."

"Somethin'...?" Tony parroted her. "Do you know what?"

"Not a clue. You know how Six is; he's vague about a lot of shit, man..."

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