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Mari's figure stiffened at the mention of acid being requested from London, slowly turning to stare at her with a somewhat uneasy expression.

"...Acid?" Shayenne raised an eyebrow at London. "Well, it's not going to be for recreational use, I'm sure..."

"Nope." London swayed her head. "It's for ole boy outside. I'd rather not let the feds sniff that nigga out. You think anybody's gonna care where he went?"

"Please – if anything, Mora was a parasite to everyone in here." Shayenne scoffed. "Even if he was running things, nobody could stand his egotistical attitude. The quicker he's gone, the bigger the morale boost."

"Alright, that eases my nerves a bit..." London nodded.

"We have this large...fish tank-looking thing in the basement full of hydrofluoric – easily melts the bones." Shayenne thought out loud. "It wouldn't take long for his body to corrode."

"That's perfect." London shrugged. "How much for use?"

"Ahh, you pick up quickly, yeah?" Shayenne smirked amusingly. "Three-fifty."

"Bands...?!" Mari furrowed her eyebrows. "London, are you even toting around that type of cash?"

Instead of answering the girl with a simple yes or no, London reached into the fanny pack strapped to her chest, pulling out four stacks worth of cash and handing them over to Shayenne.

"That's four, but you can break change, right?"

Shayenne thumbed over each band, chuckling lowly as she did so. "I love me an authentic girl. I'll deposit the fifty-k into my account and have it rerouted to you by daybreak."

"Thank you," London smirked. "Now, you got any boys that can help carry Mora down there?"

"Aww, I figured your people could do that..." Shayenne poked out her bottom lip. "After all, you all clipped 'im – it would only be right."

"I got him," Alex offered her services. "Though, I'm gonna need another set of hands, so Tony, get some gloves on."

"Why me, the fuck?!" Tony snapped his head to shoot a sharp glare at Alex. "Rod's standin' right next to you!"

"Damn, all of a sudden, I got the bubble guts, ughhh..." Rodrigo held his stomach, hunching over a little bit. "Where's the bathroom at in here?"

"Now you know good and hell well you do not have to shit right now." London cackled at the boy's comment, shaking her head.

"Motherfucker, I picked you 'cause I wanted to." Alex snorted as she draped an arm around Tony's shoulder. "You lift more than Rod anyway..."

"And I'm gonna need you to elaborate on that before I Liu Kang-bicycle-kick you across the fucking room," Rodrigo slowly turned to Alex with a seemingly cynical grin plastered on his lips. "One time for the one time."

"I said what I said, fuck-boy." Alex playfully stuck out her tongue. "Look at your arms compared to Tone's...Oh alright, that's what I thought. Gaja, Tony..."

"Mmm." London scrunched up her face at Rodrigo. "Not gonna lie, she cooked your shit, bro-bro."

"Deep-fried even." Shayenne giggled to herself, hopping off the desk with a click of her heels. "Shall we meet those two down there?"

"By all means, lead the way." London allowed the shorter woman to pass her before following behind in her stead, along with Mari and a salty Rodrigo.

London peeped the look on Rodrigo's face and smacked her teeth. "Boy, bring your ass on! You know Alex was just fucking with you!"

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