-Koko Age 10- [Part 2] ~Origin~

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No trigger warning this time.

This part is wholesome!


As I slowly open my eyes, I look over to my right and see the Eraserhead guy from earlier. He looks over at me and we make eye contact.

"So you're finally awake huh," He sarcastically asks me. "So what's your name kid?"

    "My name is Koko, Koko Hoshi," I whisper, nervously biting my lip.

    "Koko, that's a cute name. You can just call me Aizawa," he announces.

    I smile and nod my head.

    "Where are your real parents?" Aizawa asks me, concerned.

    "They're dead," I mutter, looking down at the sheets on the hospital bed.

    "Oh," He goes quiet for a minute. "Well, how would you feel if I adopted you?"

    "What? You would do that?" I sit up straight looking at him with wide eyes.

    "Yes," he smiles. I smile back.

            ⋆。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。

-A couple days later-

    "Hey, kiddo," Aizawa greets me, walking through the hospital room door.

    "Aizawa!" I leap out of bed, run straight into him, and hug him tightly.

    "Guess what! The adoption papers were finalized and you can come home with me today!" He explains, picking me up, and pulls me into a hug.

    "YAY!" I cheer, jumping out of his arms.

    "Oh and before I forget, I have a gift for you," He smiles, handing me a huge gift box. I set it onto my hospital bed. I open the gift and smile.

    "Oh wow a new dress?!? And a new pair of shoes?!?" I beam.

    "Well, go put them on," He exclaims. I quickly run into the bathroom.

Not even 5 minutes later, I come out of the bathroom with a huge smile on my face.

    "I knew you would like that dress. We should get going now," He announces, taking my hand and leading me out of the hospital room.

    As the car roars to a stop, I look at where I'll be living with Aizawa and notice the UA school my parents always talked about.

    "Is that UA?" I ask Aizawa, confused.

    "Yes it is, I teach there. And once you're settled in I'll introduce you to all the teachers there, they all are looking forward to meeting you," he explains, as he practically drags me into my new home.

            ⋆。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。⋆⋆。゚☁︎。 ゚ ゚。

-A couple days later [Saturday]-

    "Aizawa! Aizawa!" I shout, as Aizawa walks into the kitchen.

    "Yes, Koko?" He asks, still a little dazed from waking up.

    "Can I go with you to your meeting today? I really wanna meet all of the teachers you work with," I ask, gazing into his eyes, looking like a sad puppy.

    "Sure," he replies, smiling.

    "YAY!" I scream, jumping up and down in excitement.

-A hour later, at UA-

    "I'm so excited Aizawa," I smile, pulling Aizawa by the arm, practically dragging him.

    "I know, Koko. The next door to your left is the door you need to go through," he explains.

    I quickly let go of Aizawa's hand and rush into the room. Upon entering I see four people in the room, I only recognize one of them, a tallish blond loud guy that was with Aizawa when he saved me.

    "Aw, Aizawa, she's so adorable," a woman with dark-purple hair, and red glasses, gasp's staring at me. Startled, I quickly run and hide behind Aizawa.

    "Hey, it's ok little one," a white, short, mouse looking guy assures me.

    Aizawa steps back, puts his hands on my back and pushes me forward. I look up at the woman in front of me. She kneels down and hands me a small gift. I slowly rip off the wrapping paper and see a medium sized teddy bear with button eyes, and a small pink heart nose. I look at the woman and smile with wide eyes, and hug the bear.

    "Thank you, miss!" I beam.

    "You're welcome, little one. Also you can call me Midnight," The woman laughs, standing straight.

    "Oh! I also have a gift for you!" the short mouse man giggles. "Here you go, little one!"

    He hands me a small box with a smiley face wrapping paper. I rip back the paper, I open the small box and see a small transparents sphere made of glass, and inside the glass I see a small scene with a couple of cats.

    "Woah! It's so pretty! What is it?" I inquire, looking at the sphere with confusion and excitement.

    "It's a snow globe dear," the short white mouse guy answers, with an award smile.

    "It's so pretty! Thank you mister mouse man!" I cheer, shaking the snow globe and watch as the white snow falls.

    "You're welcome, and you can call me Nezu," the small mouse man chuckles.

    "Well it looks like she already found her favorite gift," a loud man with blond hair annouces.

"Now, now, this isn't a competition," an short elderly woman replies, pulling out some candy from her pocket, handing it to me. I smile, stuffing the candy into my pocket.

"Thank you miss!" I smile.

"You can call me recovery girl, dearie. And the blonde haired man over there, you can call him Present Mic," the elderly woman remarks, with a smile.

I reply with a smile, my eyes glimmering with happiness.

Present Mic walks over to me and hands me a large gift. I set it onto the floor and rip back the wrapping paper. I see a weird thick shaped black box. I slowly open the lid and see a black guitar.

Woah! I've only seen these on TV! I think to myself, with my eyes wide and mouth open.

"Do you like it?" Present Mic inquires, looking at me with a concerned face.

"I LOVE IT!!" I scream, jumping up from the ground. I quickly run over to Present Mic and hug him. "Thank you! Thank you!"

"Oh! Well, you're welcome kiddo!" He smiles.

"Koko, it's getting late. We need to go home now," Aizawa sighs, picking up my gifts.

"Bye Koko!" Everyone cheers, waving me goodbye.

"Bye!" I yell back.


That's it for her past. Next part will be the entrance exam.

For the people that like my writing and keep following along with Koko's story. Thank you so much for reading! Seeing people read my writing is very motivating for me and makes me want to write more! Again thank you so much for reading!!! <3

Love you guys!!! <3

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