In Favor Or Not

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It's around lunchtime right now and Camila baked up some bite-size brownies for the lawyer as she sets the plate full of them down on the coffee table in the living room.

"Oh, jackpot! Brownies!" Elijah sings.

He parkour jumps over the couch and snatches one from the top, popping it into his mouth.

Ray and Chloe follow taking one for themselves and popping them in their mouths.

"Hey, leave those alone, it's for the lawyer," Camila playfully scolds.

"And what if she doesn't eat them?" Elijah raises an eyebrow, popping another one into his mouth.

"Then you guys can have the rest. Now stop eating them," Camila says.

"Already bickering? Guess you guys have finally embraced Camila as your stepmother," Lauren walks down the stairs.

She is freshened up, her belly is full of food and if you didn't know and see how she was before, you wouldn't have guessed it.

"Mhm, look at you," Camila wiggles her eyebrows. She walks up to Lauren and wraps her arms around her girlfriend's neck.

"Who would've guessed that I was a hot mess just a couple of hours ago," Lauren chuckles.

"Not me if I wasn't in the house," Camila says.

Lauren smiles and kisses the brunette's forehead before resting hers against it. "The lawyer should be here any minute right?" She asks.

Before Camila can answer, the doorbell goes off, and the she giggles.

"Guess that answers that question," Camila says. She pulls away from Lauren and walks over to the door.

The brunette opens it to reveal a woman who looks to be three years younger than Lauren in a nice white blouse paired with a beige blazer, matching suit pants, and black heels, a briefcase in one hand.

"Good afternoon," The woman smiles in greeting.

"Good afternoon. You must be Niall's lawyer," Camila says. She steps aside. "Please come in," Camila says.

The woman steps inside and Camila closes the door behind her, leading the lawyer to the living room where only Lauren is waiting.

"Ah, Mrs. Jauregui," The lawyer says.

She shakes Lauren's hand and sets her briefcase on the coffee table, sitting on one of the couches.

"Hello, Ms..." Lauren trails off.

Camila sits down next to Lauren on the other couch and takes her hand in hers.

"Vasquez. Camille Vasquez. Mr. Horan has assigned to me both your custody trial and your divorce trial, Mrs. Jauregui," Camille says.

"I suppose I need all the help I need. My lawyer, Mr. De la Cruz, he's a great lawyer but I know Katherine got the best goddamn lawyers she can buy when I was in jail," Lauren says.

Camille nods and opens her briefcase. "I've seen her legal team. But I've also seen what she has against you. She wants to prove that Ray is not safe with you. Between you getting in jail for the 'attempted murder' of Shawn Mendes and your aggressive behavior towards her over the years, the courtroom is going to believe her. But... If we can also convince them that you're a great mother for Ray they will hold on taking a side and assign someone to watch over you and your family to see how you guys interact. They will also assign someone to Katherine. If they don't find anything on both parties, they will split the custody," Camille says.

"Look, if I'm being honest, I do have a temper. I've been aggressive toward Katherine on many occasions. But I will never hurt my children," Lauren says.

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