Te Amo

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When I point out Play Gracias by Jorge Daher


"Camila, what's your answer?" Lauren turns to stare at her girlfriend.

The brunette looks over at her sister and then at her father. "I never fully wanted to leave the family business. I just didn't want it to be something that I do for the rest of my life. I don't want full responsibility. I didn't want full responsibility ever since Sofia was born and being around Lauren and her social circle just taught me that having 'inheritors' breaks sibling relationships. It makes them feel superior to their sibling and I don't want that between me and Sofia. I want to share this opportunity with her. I want us both to be in charge," Camila says.

"You have two choices, Alejandro. I fund you if you agree to these conditions or I don't fund you if you disagree," Lauren speaks.

Alejandro balls one of his hands into a tight fist and nods. "They can be in charge of this ranch," He says.

"Perfect. I'll call my secretary so we can get started as soon as possible," Lauren says.

The rest of dinner was spent with no talking and once everyone is done the servants pick up the empty dishes.

"If you'll excuse me from dessert," Camila stands up.

"No. Sit, please," Sinuhe speaks.

She barely talks because she allows her husband to do it but she can tell that Alejandro isn't talking anymore unless it is directed toward him.

Lauren takes Camila's hand in hers and pulls her to sit back down on her seat, interlacing their fingers once she does.

"Any happy topics anyone wants to talk about?" Sinuhe asks.

Nobody speaks at this because if they're being honest, their lives haven't been all great.

"Camila, your pregnant? How are you feeling? You always wanted to be a mother," Sinuhe says.

The brunette smiles and squeezes Lauren's hand. "So amazing. I've never been happier," Camila says. She looks at her girlfriend and brings their hands up to plant a kiss on the back of the green-eyed girl's. "Lauren has really made me happy," Camila says.

Lauren smiles and strokes the back of Camila's hand with her thumb. "And you've made me just as happy," She says.

The servants come back in and set plates of choco flan down in front of each one of them.

"I'm so excited to find out what the gender is. I'm excited on getting started with the nursery. I'm excited on starting everything," Camila says.

Lauren smiles and leans over, placing a kiss on the brunette's temple. "And I'm ready to experience it all with you," Lauren says.

Sinuhe smiles and continues eating her dessert, looking over at her husband who is watching Lauren and his daughter's interaction.

When everyone finishes eating their dessert, the servants pick up the dishes and leave.

"Well, it's been fun but you two have exhausted me for a whole day," Camila looks at her parents.

Before anyone can stop her, the brunette leaves the dining room as Lauren stands up.

"Thank you for dinner. You all enjoy the rest of the night," Lauren speaks.

Sinuhe nods her head at her and the green-eyed girl follows the brunette down to her room to see that she's already laying against the headboard scrolling through her phone.

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