Setting The Date

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The next morning, Lauren is sitting at her desk in her office at Jauregui Finances, Camila standing behind her chair.

"She's late," Camila says.

"Trust Katherine to make a dramatic entrance," Lauren says.

Camila wraps her arms around Lauren's neck and brings her mouth up to her ear. "Everything will be fine. No need to be nervous," Camila says.

"What if she sets the date way earlier than we expected?" Lauren grips the edge of her desk.

There's a knock on the office doors and one of them opens to reveal Lucy.

"Hey, boss. Camille and Diego have arrived," Lucy speaks.

"Thank you, Lucy. Let them in," Lauren says.

Camila steps back and Lauren stands up as Diego and Camille walk into the office.

"Let me know when Katherine and her lawyers arrive," Lauren says to Lucy.

"I will, boss," Lucy nods.

She closes the door as Camille and Diego take a seat on the couches in Lauren's office.

"Good morning, Diego and Camille," Lauren sits across from them.

"Good morning, Lauren. Congratulations on the engagement," Camille says.

"Thank you," Lauren smiles.

Camila sits down beside her fiancée and takes her hand in hers.

"Let's get down to business before Katherine and her team get here," Diego says.

"Yes," Camille says.

"How is everything looking?" Lauren asks.

"To be honest, we don't know," Diego says.

"What do you mean you don't know?" Lauren's voice raises a little.

"What Diego means is that the judge was leaning more towards you but now that you're engaged and you're still not even divorced from Katherine, he's right back in the middle. He doesn't favor one over the other," Camille says.

Lauren takes in a deep breath to calm herself as Camila stares at her fiancée.

"Katherine doesn't own much in your marriage. So you'll be losing either way," Diego says.

"What exactly will I lose?" Lauren asks.

"The way we see it, a quarter of your fortune, the house, some of the cars, boats, private jets," Diego says.

"Will the judge accept Katherine's request to get more of my fortune?" Lauren asks.

"That one is a hard one," Diego rubs the back of his neck.

"These are predictions, Lauren, don't worry too much yet," Camille says.

There's another knock on the office doors and Lauren stands up, making her way back to the desk chair as Camila follows to stand beside her.

One of the doors opens and Lucy steps in as Lauren sees Katherine and her lawyer team standing at the doorway.

"Mrs. Kingston has arrived," Lucy says.

"Come in," Lauren speaks firmly.

Katherine makes her way in like she still owns the place like she's still Katherine Kingston, the faithful and gorgeous wife of Lauren Jauregui, CEO of Jauregui Finances.

Niall is right beside Katherine as the rest of her lawyer team takes a seat on the couches.

"Mrs. Jauregui," Niall nods stiffly at her.

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