It's Cool, That's What I Tell Them

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He doesn't know which is worse: that he fell asleep cuddling the Crown Prince instead of keeping a watch out for a potential enemy, or that Sunoo is mad at him.

It's a very close competition.

First of all, he woke up atop the Crown Prince and drooling all over his chest while the said Crown Prince is softly conversing with Prince Ni-ki. The two of them (and where did Prince Ni-ki came from?) were still in the shelter and Sunghoon merely explained that the cot is made for a maximum of two person only, so he repositioned Jungwon on top of him instead, and hoped he didn't mind.

Jungwon, in fact, did mind a lot. He found out that the others found them very early in the morn, a few hours before he woke up, along with his brother, after reinforcements from the Palace arrived, and that they all went ahead because Sunghoon wanted to sleep in.

Jungwon, on the other hand, slept through the whole thing like a fucking idiot.

He wants to kill himself. Or Sunghoon. (Or just himself. He can't keep blaming the older for every fucking thing. But he could've woken Jungwon up?! Then they would've been back to Palace earlier and he would've start groveling for his brother's forgiveness earlier instead of close to noon!)

Jungwon immediately sought his brother out when they've arrived but the guard outside Sunoo's room told him that only their father and the Continental Queen may enter if they ever wish to. Anyone else can wait for his availability to grace them with his presence. In other words, fuck off.

He's planning on forcing himself in through the windows and is in the middle of seriously studying the structure of the Palace so he can get to his brother's room without killing himself when a maidservant told him the Eastern King has summoned him in the studies.

So here he is, mindlessly reading scrolls of the product exchange of the Capital with the other four countries for the past decade. He doesn't know why he's here instead of his brother but he can't bring himself to question his father.

"I see you haven't made up with your brother yet," The Eastern King comments.

Jungwon straightens and starts understanding the words he's been mulling over for the past few minutes earnestly. It's about the excellent relationship the Capital have with the other countries, especially the South.

More than that, how did their father know?

"You... know?" He asks and winces at his tone.

"I do. Your," an unnerving stare, "lover took it upon himself to explain yours and Sunoo's disappearance last night.


"Did you think I wouldn't notice if both of my sons are not in the castle?"

Jungwon's heartbeat stumbled on the word sons but he dutifully ignores it.

"I must say I'm surprised you didn't seek my permission before letting your brother join the festivities outside considering that he's my heir," his father continues. Jungwon swallows thickly.

"My apologies. I didn't know I-" he cuts himself off. The explanation won't change anything. "It won't happen again."

"If I didn't know how much you love your brother, I would've thought you were trying to get rid of him."

Jungwon stills as if he's been slapped. He stands abruptly when he recovers, seeing red at the accusation and one hand already at the hilt of his sword.

"It's precisely that reaction that I know my assumption isn't true," the king says calmly though his eyes have gone dark, as if daring Jungwon to pull out his sword.

He Looks Up Grinning Like A Devil | Sunghoon X JungwonWhere stories live. Discover now