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'Good morning honey', mom said over the call.

'Morning mom', I replied styling my hair.

'did you have your breakfast?'

'about to have mom.'


'all the best for your new journey Zayn'

'thanks mom.'

'I got to go',

'Zayn wait',  mom said.

'Zayn, we got to go. Come down!!!', Louis yelled

'you are about to turn 25, find a partner. You need to get married',  mom said in a serious tone ignoring Louis voice over the call.

I cringed at the word 'marriage'.

'okay mom, bye I'll call you later', I ended the call totally ignoring the topic.

Its not like I hate wedding. I would love to marry, but I want a boy who is best for me. I would give him all of my love. Nevertheless I din't find him yet. Maybe there's something in my destiny awaiting me.


'I'm coming Louis!!,  don't shout! jeez'.

I looked in the mirror for one last time, took my bag and headed downstairs.

As I entered the kitchen, 'look who's  finally here', Louis sassed.

Louis and I have been friends since 2 years. We met at corporate company where we joined immediately after our graduation.

'we won't be late, come on let's go and we'll have breakfast in the cafeteria', I said him.

'I thought you would cook something for breakfast, but now that we are having it outside, you have to pay', he said as we made our way out of our apartment.

I just hummed.

We made our way to the University, while Lou played some music. Soon we reached and I parked the car.

We followed the directions to cafe, since we were new here.

'Liam texted that he would meet us at the cafe entrance', Louis said as we were walking in the campus.

Liam is from Florida, and I met him in our company same like Louis. He is basically one year younger to us. He bonded with us quickly as we worked together in the project when he joined as fresher. He has done his graduation here and it was his suggestion to do master's degree in this University.

'look there he is', Louis said as we spotted him.

He was standing with two other boys. One was a blonde guy standing beside Liam whose side view was visible, the other one was exactly opposite to Liam. His face wasn't visible, but he had his hair touching his shoulders. Those were curly.

As we approached them, I noticed he wore a tight jeans that made his buttocks look round and thick. I was kinda attracted.

'Hey!!, you guys made it', Liam said as he saw us.

The curly haired boy turned and our eyes met. He had lovely green eyes, his face was beautiful. We walked towards them. I stood beside Liam and Louis beside the blonde one.

Liam fisted hands with me and Louis.

'So guys these two are my juniors. This is Niall', Liam said pointing to the blonde guy.

Louis looked like he was drooling over him. Niall smiled at us.

'And this is Harry', he said pointing to curly haired guy.

'Harreh', I repeated to myself

The name 'Harry' simply registered in my mind. He was looking at me fondly. It seems like he did not pay attention to Liam when he took his name. Niall then nudged him and then looked like he came back from his trance. His face was flushed. He was blushing. I liked it .I smirked at him.

'Hi', he said smiling at me. Oh my god he has dimples!!. I was instantly attracted towards his beauty. I need to know more about him.

'These are my colleagues, he is Louis and he is Zayn', Liam introduced us.

'but now we are classmates lad', Louis said smirking at Niall.

I just smiled.

'yup, we are indeed classmates, I was talking about you guys that all of us will be classmates before you arrived here. Harry and Niall have recently completed their UG(Under Graduation). They opted for master's degree', Liam said to which Louis and I nodded.

'So you guys did not get placed in your final year?', Louis asked.

'No, we did get job. But we had plans for higher education,  so here we are', Niall said us. Harry was nodding along.

'Good', Louis said.

Harry was still flushed and looked like he is not going to talk. He looked so cute.
I wanted to poke his dimples.

'we should go inside', Liam said pointing the cafe.

'yeah come on', Louis said.

'yes come on, and I will show you around and we can have breakfast',  Niall said enthusiastically.

'um Naill, we already had breakfast in hostel mess. We will go to class', Harry spoke directly looking at Niall.

He kinda looked serious, but was getting nervous. Awe, I thought.

'but Harold, it's food', Niall said getting irritated.

He then took Niall's hand and said nervously looking at us 'we'll meet you all in the class', and they were gone.

'Weird', Liam said.

'He's not weird, he was constantly blushing looking at Zayn', Louis said smirking at me.

I just shrugged.

'come on, we got to go', I said changing the topic and then we entered the cafe.

We took three burritos each, I paid as Louis demanded earlier and then made our way to a empty table.

'So they both are in 'Cyber Security?', I asked Liam.

'Yup, they are quite intelligent. Seen them for 2 years here', Liam said.


'I like the blonde guy', Louis chimed.

'no wonder, you were drooling over him', I said laughing. Liam laughed as well

'very funny', he said showing fake annoyance.

We continued eating and soon we finished it.

Liam directed us towards the PG(Post Graduate) building. It is new compared to other buildings.

Soon we entered our department and found our classroom. We were on time.
Few boys and girls were occupying their seats.

I noticed Harry sitting with Niall. Niall waved Louis and he immediately walked towards him.

Liam and I took seats behind them.

I was exactly diagonal to Harry. I had perfect view of him.  Those curls, his arms, thick thighs. I was getting some high level thoughts, but I controlled. He is lovely. I should find a way to talk to him. Curly boy, I thought and smiled.

to be continued

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