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As the week passed by, Zayn and Harry were getting close to eachother. They used to chat, asking each other where and when to meet before and after classes. They used to sit together in class for every period. Lunch was always together along with other boys. Zayn would always be attentive in class while Harry would be half-attentive because he spends most of the time admiring Zayn's handsomeness and his personality.  Also Zayn visited Harry's room with Louis. Harry happily showed him his entire hostel wing while Louis spent time with Niall.

Zayn was always working on his laptop during their free time in University, either in classroom or cafe or their department canteen. Harry would wonder what he would be doing but he did not dare to ask because Zayn had this serious intimidating look while working and Harry was kind of afraid of that side of him. But he had developed a crush on Zayn. He has this feeling that makes him want to obey him no matter what. He was deeply attracted to him.

Zayn noticed all these behaviours from Harry's side. He was internally happy as he was equally attracted to him. He was desperately waiting to ask him out and taste those pink, juicy lips.


It was typical Wednesday morning, Zayn and Louis were early to the University. They both met Niall at the parking lot. Soon Louis and Niall parted their ways lying to Zayn about going to Library. Zayn knew it was one of their snogging session. He wanted to ask Niall about Harry, but they both looked like they were in hurry. So he let it go. Harry has not even replied to his message.

He made his way to the department. While passing the cafe, he saw a group of girls and boys surrounding a table at the entrance of the cafe. They were listening to someone. By the expression of girls, Zayn could tell they were attracted to the person speaking. When Zayn entered the cafe, that certain someone's voice turned out to be Harry's.
Harry was sitting facing those girls and boys. Zayn demeanour immediately changed into frown. He absolutely despised the scene in front of him.

He has this feeling that made him want to scoot all those girls away for the way they were eyeing Harry. Meanwhile he also had this curiosity as to what Harry is talking about. When he came back to his senses, he heard the conversation.

'Its all about finding new hook steps. Once you get the choreography, then practice is the key for winning. Remember, the more you practice the more easy it becomes', Harry said.

'but it will be difficult without you', one of the boys said

'really, is there any chance you could join us?', a girl asked biting her lips slightly.

Zayn did not like that, he stepped forward cleared his throat making everyone aware of his presence.

Harry turned around and immediately stood from his place and smiled seeing that it was Zayn. Zayn was still frowning but he liked the way Harry stood from his place to acknowledge his presence.

'Zayn!, these are my juniors from ELITES', Harry said excitedly.

'Why din't you reply to my text?', Zayn asked in a serious tone ignoring whatever Harry said.

Harry got nervous looking at his intimidating face, then remembered that he totally forgot about the text Zayn sent him because his teammates gathered him in cafe.

'I-I', Harry was stuttering when the siren rang. Zayn still had that look while Harry mentally thanked that siren rang.

'We'll meet again', one of the boy said

He smiled at his teammates who waved him bye and then gave a weird smile to Zayn who was still frowning at them as left the cafe.

Now Zayn faced him again.

'I asked you a question Harreh!', he said getting irritated.

'I-I was abo-about to tex-text you when I met them he-here.'

Zayn did not say anything.

'I need to talk to you', Zayn said after few moments.

Harry nodded at him.

'Lets get over with the classes first. Come on', Zayn said walking outside of Cafe.

Harry got all the negative thoughts that he could think of. Zayn was angry because he did not respond to his message?. Was he going to end their friendship of one week?. Then what about his crush on him?. How will he get over him? and why does he have that serious intimidating look?


'are you coming?', Zayn said as he turned back and found Harry standing there nervously.

After hearing him, Harry quickly followed him and they made their way to the class.

After entering the class, Zayn took his seat, while Harry was thinking whether it was good idea to sit beside Zayn since he was mad at him.

As everyone were occupying seats,  Zayn saw Harry still standing, he simply pointed his index finger at the seat beside him. Harry understood and immediately took the seat, not wanting to make him more mad.

Liam entered class and waved at them smilingly. Both of them smiled at him as he took his place in front of them.

'hey Payno', they heard Louis who entered class with Niall.

'where were you guys?', Liam asked

'ah, we were in the Library', Niall replied

'I was also at the library, did not see you guys', Liam said.

'hm, Payno we were in the Computers section finding book in Information Security stack for research purpose', Louis said trying to convince him, to which Liam only nodded his head while Zayn rolled his eyes knowing the actual reason.

'what happened Harry?, you look sad', Niall asked.

'Nothing, I still did not finalise the topic for research', Harry lied him. Zayn gave him a look.

Professor Rowling entered class and soon everyone took their places.

Harry was desperately waiting for break. He couldn't think of anything but Zayn and his little talk.

to be continued

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