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Zayn patiently waited for Harry to complete his work. Soon Harry was done with his work and they both left to staff room to hand over the lists.

After handing over the list to the assistant, they exited the department. Harry led the way and showed Zayn the campus.

Harry was explaining every little thing and Zayn was listening to him passionately.

'This is auditorium. All the events happen here. I performed many times in here.'

'what did you do?', Zayn asked, amused by the fact that Harry was active participant in CCA(Co-Curricular Activities).

'I was in a dance group called Elites. The group is very famous in the University. We have won many times. We also participated in inter college fests. I had best memories of my college life here'

'that's cool Harreh. Good to know that you are a dancer. When will I get the opportunity to watch you dance?', Zayn asked as he sat on a nearby bench.

'whenever you want', Harry said shyly sitting beside him.

Zayn adored his smile. He liked talking to him

Harry on the other hand also loved describing things about him and the University.

'so you rejected your offer letter', Zayn asked after few moments

'um, yeah because I always wanted to have a double degree. I always had keen interest in Cryptography.

Zayn was humming. Harry continued.

'I also took counselling in this subject. Hence I ended up here', he completed smiling at him.

'good', Zayn replied.

'I talk too much', Harry said getting slightly embarrassed.

'no, you don't. You are adorable when you talk', Zayn said caressing his cheek.

'thanks', he replied getting flushed.

'Um Liam said that you left your job for studies. Why did you leave?'

'because like you, I wanted to explore more into software development', Zayn replied.

Harry was about to ask another question, as Zayn's phone began ringing.

Harry kept quiet as Zayn received the call.

'where are you mate', Louis spoke on other end

'we are in front of auditorium', Zayn replied.

'oh, we are near. Is that lad Harry with you?'

'yeah, he's here'.

'cool, we are coming. Wait there', and he hung up the call.

'Louis is coming. He is probably with your friend', Zayn informed Harry

'yeah he's with Niall', Harry said nodding.

'So you and Niall met here in the university or before that?'

'uh, we are best friends since high school'

'cool', Zayn smiled at him.

They both saw Louis and Niall coming towards them.

'you can ask your questions later', Zayn said caressing his hands this time and got up from the bench. Harry stood as well. He nodded at him.

'hi there Mr. CR(Class Representative)', Louis said to Harry.

'well hello to you too sir', Harry replied to which Louis grinned

Zayn was amused by Harry's reply. Harry was a complete different person when he's with him.

Niall smiled at Zayn who nodded in return.

'We roamed the entire campus starting from here', Naill said to Harry while Louis was staring at Harry then at Zayn.

'hmm, we did the same but couldn't complete it', Harry replied

'Where's Liam?', Zayn asked Louis

'He got call from his girlfriend. She lives here, remember', Louis said smirking.

'good for him'

'yeah, Amy is our junior. Never thought Liam would hit on her', Niall said making all of them to laugh.

'yeah, she's the reason he is back here and tagged us along', Louis commented making Niall stare at him with fondness

Zayn and Harry shared looks watching them.

'we should have lunch together', Harry said and looked at Zayn with pleasing eyes.

Louis noticed that.

'yeah we should. It's almost time', Niall said excitedly

'sure, you both go ahead. We'll be right behind you', Louis said to Niall and Harry.

Niall nodded at him but Harry gave a puzzled expression then looked at Zayn for response.

'Its okay, you go', Zayn assured him.

Harry immediately obliged to him and left with Niall.

As they both walked back, Zayn saw Harry's butts moving to and fro. He was simply attracted to them.

god, he has big round ones, he thought to himself.

'Earth to Malik!!', Louis shouted

'what is it Louis?', he asked getting irritated

'So it's true, you like the lad', he said smirking.

'look who's talking, I saw you drooling over the blonde one'

'his name is Niall by the way. Don't be mean'


'and I don't like him that way. He's a nice kid. I love hanging out with him. That's it'

'hmm, same here', Zayn said.

'but it didn't seem like that'

'oh god Louis. Fine, I like him. I really like him. I want to know more about him. Is this you wanted to hear?'

'Oh my god!!, you look so in love', Louis said as he engulfed him in a hug.

'Finally you found someone. I am fucking happy for you'

dramatic ass,  Zayn thought to himself.

'you can let go Louis, please'

'fine, calm down', Louis said backing away.

'so?', Louis spoke again

'so what?'

'is he into men?', did you ask?, Did you make your move?'

'Louis, it's like first day of University and I met him for first time. You expect me to go and ask his love interest?'

'oh um I thought you did', Louis shrugged.

'one needs to be patient in these kind of matters'.

'whatever Zayn. I am hungry. Let's go', Louis said walking ahead of him.

It's true, I need to know if he's into men. But he acts so innocently in front of me and then like a stud in front of others. I need to find out, Zayn thought to himself standing there.

'Zayn come on', Louis yelled.

'Zayn quickly made his way and joined him'

As they entered cafe, they found Harry and Niall. Harry instantly had smile on his face when he saw Zayn. Zayn adored his smile as they made their way towards them.

to be continued

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