2- Study Date!?

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Anya POV

After the headmaster finished explaining about are upcoming incursion, he continues to say that third & fourth period will be a study session.

If you don't know what that is, it's where we can go anywhere to study. Like the library, are classroom or somewhere quiet. Of course, you can't disturb other classes or leave school.

Once headmaster finishes talking, he then leaves.

Anya's POV

*I quickly face Becky with an excited look, becky does so too!*

Anya&Becky: Library!

*Me and Becky high five, we quickly pick up are stuff & bags then leave for the library.*

*After a couple minutes, other students had also went to the library. Me and Becky find somewhere to study, somewhere quiet.*

Becky: How about at the back? Their should be no one their!

*I nod happily, we go to the back of the library and we see a hiding spot! It looks like someone has made a little secret place that is hidden to the people around them.*

*Me and Becky go into the hidding spot to find sy-on's boy and his minions!*

Damian: Hey, what are you doing here?! *he whispers*

Becky: we could ask the same thing! *she whispers back*

Ewen: This is Lord Damian's hiding spot! *he whispers*

Emile: Yeah! You uggo's need to leave! *he whispers*

Becky: Hmph! It's not like we even want to be here anyway! Let's go Anya *she whispers then grabs me as we leave*

*Back to looking for a spot we go...*

Becky: Who would even want to study with those weirdo's anyway!

Anya: I want to study with sy-on boy..

Becky: ...your so weird Anya..

*After a couple minutes, we find a quiet table at the back. Basically the other side of the room from Sy-on's hiding spot.*

*we sit down and start are study, after a hour. Becky had to go to her group meeting, which means I will be alone for an hour. Lucky me..*

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