In the kitchenYoung master voice is sweet and silky, young maid gossip to another maids in the kitchen.
No way, the grumpy young master always roar like a lion, another maid said.
Yes I thought the same but today, he looks hot and is happening in his loose white dress. His voice is sweet like honey melts my heart, a soft silky voice.
The way young masters speak to his husband, they look like a lovely couple. They are like Love birds chirping to each other young maid said happily.
It's a boy, one of the old maids asked in suprise.
Yes, you didn't get the memo. The maid ask the old maid who look suprise.
Yes, i thought it was a printing mistake. Old maid said
No, it's a boy and he look like a young actor. There is dimple form in his cheek when he smiles. Young maid said
But our old chairman is homophobic he don't even allow gay people to work in the company. How he is going to accept his grand son is gay. Old maid said in worry.
There is a big drama going to happen in the house, the young maid said casually.
i know the old chairman was cruel to the bone. He won't accept it. I really don't know what our boss is planning, old maid thought in worry.
Vegas bedroomI know i am going to regret it but i have to do it , pete thought before starting the conversation with vegas.....
You finally got a family, you want to throw it away, pete ask looking at vegas.
It's not that pete, they have to accept what i am. Moreover, my brought-up is hurting his pride and self-esteem. Vegas said in an annoyance.
Really, in school or when you meet a new friend, will you introduce yourself as hi i am vegas and my dad is a gangster. No right, you always introduce yourself as hi i am vegas and my dad is a businessman. Even you feel ashamed to calling your dad as a gangster why can't he feel the same.
You used to hate that you were born in a second family. And your dad hates and can't accept that you were brought up by a gangster family.What's the difference.
Your dad wants to erase your past and wants to give you a new life.. just give him 3 years. Ok., pete ask look at vegas.
Moreover your mother loves you a lot. At least for her you should accept your dad's proposal.
What you know pete, for the past three months she never came to visit me. Maybe she can't accept that fact i am a gangster who killed people for money. But I have changed right for the past one year, vegas rumble in agony.
No no vegas she is not like that, maybe she don't know that you are here. Pete said hurrily rubbing vegas back to pacify him.
You don't know, vegas cry.
I know pete said in a very low tone. After seeing the deadbody i fainted and i was admitted to the hospital. That time i met her in the hospital. She went through a lot after losing you, when the doctor said that your child was born dead and she did not accept it. She said that she behaved like a maniac and try to kill the doctor. She cried a lot It seems no one believed her. She strongly belive mr.thong ayuta did something to you. She went to depression for five years and hide herself from the world. On your fifth birthday she came to the conclusion that hiding is not going to bring you back but money is the only thing that is going to help her to find you. So she started to accept his uncle sea proposal for acting in a movie . She works a lot and searches you at every orphanage. She strongly believes that you are alive and hided by thong ayuta your grandfather. She did somany charity because she thought her charity will keep you safe.
Two years ago, she felt exhausted, as she couldn't able to find you, she felt that every door was closed and dark, only then she accepted your dad's proposal of marrying him with the condition of finding you.
I felt mr.cartel cheated the innocent woman and killed you. Only then i plan to kill him. Pete said looking at vegas.
Before that what you planned vegas ask looking at pete with a suspecious eye.
Nothing pete lips twitched and his eyelids fluttered in fear. Within a second pete change his face and rub vegas head to distract him.
But vegas suspecious eye didn't change.
Before that i was very sad and depressed, that's it, belive me. Pete said childishly pulling vegas cheeks who look grumpy.
Vegas fall on pete lap in the bed. Pete fingers run inside vegas hair. Vege turn his face and kiss on pete stomach.
Stop it, it ticklish pete said laughingly.
Vegas suddenly looked at pete, did my dad threaten you.
No pete said without fear.
If he threatens don't fall for it. He knows how much i love you, nothing can shake our love. Vegas said aggressively.
Pete noded his head smiling.
You need a family vegas, your mom needed you the most and she is very sweet and your dad looks 'tough' and 'rough' but he is good to you,
Really, vegas said mockingly, he kidnapped me and lock me down against my will. He grunt in anger.
Pete lauf look at vegas face, you forgot the most important thing, you have to call theo and rain as your uncle. He lauf
My foot, vegas grunt in anger and pete lauf loud.
He slowly hug pet and give butterfly kiss to pete in the bed
Common let's forget them for while, vegas said in his silky voice.
!When pete asks beam to take him to a perfect destination to spend some quality time with nature, he took them to a river side The majestic flow of the river and the lush greenery surrounding make the place picturesque beauty,.
Man this place is awsome pete jump and run toward the river.
Vegas see pete playing in the river, don't jump into the water you may catch the cold, he said warningly look at pete.
The old maid who arranged the snack on the small camp table who look at vegas in suprise.
For the past three month she never had a chance to meet the young master. Finally today she met him she was in big shock.
Vegas can sense someone is looking at him.
Vegas slightly turn his face and look at old maid who is looking at her in shock and suprise.
Vegas politely smile, is ther anything on my face he ask looking at the old maid.
You look like our boss vegas, old maid said in suprise.
I am vegas, he lauf.
Old maid took her small purse and showed a small photo to vegas with a group of people.
Vegas was suprise, he look somewhat like me. But that's not me. Vegas said softly.
Pete who came back clinging into vegas shoulder see the photo. He look absolutely like you, pete said looking at vegas. And he is your grandad, your dad told me. Pete said casually.
!Beam was immersely working in the office room. The old maid knocked on the door and entered the office room.
Are you planning to kill the boy, the old maid ask looking at her son.
Continue .......

SECOND CHANCE (completed)
Fanfictionwhat if vegas died and was reborn again.. what he do with his second chance If there is a grammar mistake plz forgive. English is not my first language.