Pete checks his white suit in front of the big mirror in his apartment. The gorgeous milky white suit with silk floral design look great on him. He never thought light colour look great on him. He took an arrow design golden tie clip and pin it on his tie.
You look like an angel in the white suit, vegas said admiring pete from top to bottom.
What are you doing here pete ask looking at vegas in suprise.
I here to pickup my angel to the banquet, vegas said.
That won't work pete said nonchalantly. I am really angry at you. Don't provoke me any more.
Pete know vegas try to convince him every way. Crying fighting begging pleading sending his whole family person one by one to convince him nothing worked.
Look i already told you it's your day, i don't want any bad remark on that day. Moreover your dad scolds me today, you know your dad never raises a voice against me always speaking in a very polite tone but today he scolded me. I am really really angry at you pete said looking at himself in the mirror without looking at vegas.
I am your husband no one changes that. why are you worried, pete ask looking at vegas.Vegas look down, i don't know pete, i feel heavy,.
Pete move forward and hold vegas hand, Look at me vegas it's time to put your best foot forward, Rest will follow. I am not going anywhere
Ok vegas said softly. But you are my
Pete felt exhausted, don't start again and
Don't hold my shirt and follow me in the banquet pete said in a raspy voice.Vegas make a face, my mom said the same and kicked me out of the house ask me to bring along with you.
She made the right decision, are you a little kid to follow around your mother and don't open your mouth and stand infront of your mother in a banquet to feed you like a little baby bird. Pete said in anger.
Never happened vegas said in annoy
Last birthday i saw you, you and your sister are running around your mother for food. one small spoon for Venessa and one big spoon for you. Every now and then you went to your mother to eat, you shameless, pete tease I even heard that whenever you skip breakfast lunch and dinner, your mom feed you. Pete tease.
It's not like that, whenever I am busy at work in the computer or in dad's office room she feeds me vegas said softly.
But your servent said that you are too sweet doing it on purpose. Pete said in little anger.
she can feed Venessa why can't she feed me. Vegas ask in annoy. Having a grumpy face.
Venessa is three and you are 24 there is different, you are getting jealous of her. Pete said in annoy.
Vegas make a grumpy face. She is one who always bully me.
She is your sister what you expert from her, mischevious god. Pete tease.
I am a good boy, you can ask my mom.
Touch your heart and say that your are good boy peat ask laughingly
I am a good boy, vegas said softly.
That dosent fit you, pete tease. And pete pulls vegas out of the room.
Pete known for the last three years vegas became attached to his mother. And his mother pampered him like a kid, Even mr.cartel couldn't stop it.
You know what i want, vegas ask holding pete finger.

SECOND CHANCE (completed)
Fanfictionwhat if vegas died and was reborn again.. what he do with his second chance If there is a grammar mistake plz forgive. English is not my first language.