In the prison visiting room.
Why should i, korn ask with a smirk.
Atleast i can save your nose, vegas said nonchalantly looking at the broken nose of mr.korn.
Korn smirk, you are a wolf in sheep clothing, do you want me to belive it, don't waste your time i am not going to give you a hint about my house secret to you. You beat me into black and blue i don't care. He said with the smirk.
I make macus to sign on every paper you need, vegas said gritted his teeth.
Why? Korn asks carelessly
Vegas cluch his fist in anger, he can't make a move unless or until he finds pete is where about.
The bottom line is no one can save you from the prison except me, vegas said with a smirk.
My son asked me sometimes i couldn't make heads and tails of it, but I'll wait. Korn said nonchalantly getup from the chair.
You are building a castle in the cloud hoping that your son will save you, but he promises his lovely husband pochey that he will keep in the prison for the rest of your life for killing his dad, I am the only one who can help you to get you out of this prison, vegas said with smirk..
I know, but i can't betray my son, my lips are sealed. korn said softly and left the place.
Inside the van.
I already said that, asshole won't open his mouth vegas said in anger looking at web.Your father is gonna go ballistic on me for joining you in secret, web sneer.
Vegas sat in the chair and rubbed his head in anger and frustrated
Soon kinn will get the call from the prison gaurd, if korn can't open a mouth what's a use of keeping it, vegas grunt in anger.
Vegas secretary looked at those men in black dress he felt puny sitting in between them, what kind of deed did I do in my last life to become secretary, he thought gulp his throat in fear.
He bite his nail and sits in between six feet height black uniform mercenary who faces cover with the gas mask. If the gangster wants to die why doesn't he dig his own grave for himself, why is he pulling my boss's leg, he thought. My boss has four secretaries, why me. He cried to himself without making a noise.
How long we have to wait here, the captain of the mercenary asks looking at vegas secretary
We have to wait till my boss gives an order to precede.
!!Web see his Bug follow kinn into the secret room inside korn study room
When web and co-workers see pete chained and tied up in bed, their eyes become wide.
Web knows this man goes insane if he see pete getting hurt by kinn bodyguards. He signals his co-worker keeps their mouth shut.Vegas was busy speaking with someone on the phone. Did not see pete getting drugged by kinn bodyguard in violence.
In the basement
Kinn slightly touch pete cheek to pacify him.Pete moves his face away from kinn and sneers in anger.
You will be ok in three hours Let's start the journey together, Kinn said with a soft smile.
He never wants to treat pete like this but he doesn't want to lose pete especially to Vegas. His ego hurts a lot.
Kinn cell phone started ringing, he took the phone and signaled his bodyguard to leave the room.

SECOND CHANCE (completed)
Fanfictionwhat if vegas died and was reborn again.. what he do with his second chance If there is a grammar mistake plz forgive. English is not my first language.