You should have eaten something, vegas said softly, caressing pete cheek on the bed.
Pete was in a coma for two days, and vegas stayed by the bed for two day.
Pete slowly opens his eyes and smiles seeing vegas but his eyes filled with tears. He wants to grab his vegas hug him tight to his chest.
I missed you vegas, i was very scared, i was really scared. Pete cried in pain. His heart was filled with fear while he was in the basement in the kinn house. He doesn't want a life without vegas,.
I am sorry pete, i failed to protect you, vegas said softly, he wipe pete tears in worry. Don't cry pete, i am here for you. He said softly ..
It's not your fault.
Vegas knows how strong pete is but there is a limit for everything. He wants to kill kinn, wipe out the entire korn clan.
Vegas slowly climbs on the beg and hug pete to sleep. Vegas sniffled his nose on pete neck, Don't cry na, i put gps on you, vegas tease to change pete mood.
Pete lauf little , like macus have one. He hugged his vegas tightly to his chest
!!When pochey said walk a mile in my shoe, in anger,
Vegas said,
been there, done that, but i chose pete over my vengeance. I choose love over my revenge. The humiliation you faced outside the world because of mr.korn i face inside the house thanks to mr.korn. But you choose the wrong path pochey. We had a deal only to punish mr.korn but you double crossed me. You hurt me i don't care but you hurt my pete, you have to face the consequence of touching my pete.How is pete, pochey asked in a low tone.
You want to know, vegas smirk. Keeping you alive as i promised to my pete. That's a big thing, vegas said in anger.
Vegas see pochey getting inside the van handcuffed.
Web kept a flower pot on the tea table and looked at pete,Thankyou pete said by looking at web,
Web raise his eyes, welcome back home brother he said with a sweet smile.
Let me help you to sit, everyone is here to see you including my grandfather, web said with a smile
I am fine pete said and slowly got down from the bed. To meet vegas family.
Seeing them in the hall of his apartment, vegas stand in the middle of his mother father, sister, brother, uncle, grandmother and great grandfather, complete family they wanted, pete smile widely looking at them.
After a two year
Vegas checked out his dress in the mirror.
Why half white, web ask casually looking at vegas.
Because pete thing i look hot in this color.
The web rolls his eyes and chuckle teasingly.
Vegas kicked web, get out of the room, he said in annoy.
A soft knock on the door vegas turn and look at the person, kim stands with his personal assistant.
After my marriage you can take him home, vegas said looking at kim.
Thank-you, kim said in a soft tone. Bowing his head a little.
Pochey, vegas took a deep breath, after knowing who he is, he never wants to hurt pochey but after knowing he was a root cause of pete getting hurt. He can't tolerate it. If he was in pochey place he would have done more bad than pochey But dosent justify his action against pete. Hurting pete is way too much for him. He wants pochey to spend the rest of his life in the prison. But pete is being pete.

SECOND CHANCE (completed)
Fanfictionwhat if vegas died and was reborn again.. what he do with his second chance If there is a grammar mistake plz forgive. English is not my first language.