Guarded Forks

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A few weeks have passed and Edward and I's relationship has been strained. I can tell he's hiding things from me and he still won't tell me why he growled at Aro. He says "I'll tell you when you're ready to hear it." What is that supposed to mean? I want to hear it now. The moment has played over and over in my dreams. Nothing changed except now being able to see Aro's reaction to Edward's growl.


Edward drives smoothly down the road toward my house.

"Bella, I have fought with myself to tell you this. A few of the Volturi guards are in Forks. I assure you I won't let them hurt you but they wish to meet with my family. As well as you," he says looking at me.

I thought this over. "Which guard members?" I ask.

"Jane, Alec, Felix, and Demitri. Don't worry Bella they can't hurt you while I'm there."

"I'll go to the meeting," I say, I know they won't hurt me. Aro wants me to be one of them. He would never allow it.


I ride with Edward to the Cullen mansion. We walk up the steps and stop outside the door. Edward puts his hands on my shoulders and turns me to face him. I shiver from the cold of his hands.

"Bella just stay by my side. I won't let anything happen to you."

He opens the door and lets me walk through.

The Volturi guard as well as the Cullen family was gathered in the living room. 

"Welcome Edward," Carlisle greeted, "Bella," he nodded to me. I smiled back lightly.

"Right now that we're all here we can discuss the matter at hand," Carlisle was all business now. 

"Indeed. Bella is still human. Something must be done about this Carlisle. Master Aro will not be pleased," Jane's voice was unforgiving. Edward snorted and Jane's red eyes snapped to him. "Something funny Cullen?" 

"Aro wishes to turn her himself. We all know it. The way I see it you're all supporting his delusional-" Jane sent Edward to his knees, trembling in pain. Somehow my voice stuck in my throat, I was unable to defend him.

"Jane," Carlisle whispered, her head snapped to him.

"He disrespected my master, Carlisle. I will not allow it. Hospitality be damned, I will not stop Felix from tearing him apart if he does it again." 

"Thank you, Jane. I'm sure Edward will hold his tongue," Carlisle bowed his head in gratitude. Jane released her focus on Edward and backed up a step. 

"So what shall we do?" My voice was softer than I had intended it to be. 

"Well, we could turn you here now, bring you to Italy with us and discuss it with our masters directly, or one of the Cullens can turn you." Alec's young voice shocked me, having only heard it once before. 

"I will not allow it," Edward snapped. 

"Edward I-" Carlisle started but I cut him off.

"Your opinion doesn't matter here Edward. I make my own choices. You've been hiding things from me since we got back and I'm tired of it. Tired of you controlling everything. Alice," I turned to her. She had a knowing glint in her eye. "What has Edward been keeping from me?"

"Alice don't!" Edward shouts. Alec acted before I could blink. Edward's senses were gone. 

"Go ahead dear Alice," Demitri said, speaking up for the first time. Jasper growled a slight warning. Only now did I look to the rest of the Cullens. Emmet was sat in an armchair, looking generally disinterested. Rosalie was on the couch as close to Emmet as she could be. Alice and Jasper stood behind the couch, while Esme and Carlisle took the two remaining seats on the couch. The Volturi guard was huddled together on one the far side of the room, Edward was on the floor and I stood off the corner of the couch next to him. Alice began to answer my question. 

"Aro wasn't imagining turning you, Bella. He did think you would be an asset to the Volturi but not in the way Edward led you to believe. It was more personal than that."

(A/N) Sorry to cut this short, but I do hope you enjoy it! So what exactly was Aro thinking? 

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