What's going to happen Now

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Rayla P.O.V

Zym had crashed us out of our group's hug we where all laughing In that moment I was the happiest I've been in two years It didn't matter that we had no idea where Aaravous was. I had my parent's back, Callum had finally forgiven me If I could I'd stay in this moment forever I would.

Zubeia had said we should head back to the storm spier to make a new plan since we have no idea where Aaravous is inprisoned. As we reached the storm spire we all hopped off and headed inside to come up with ideas to get ahead of Claudia.

"How are we supposed to find Aaravous before Claudia she has the map and we're right back to where we started" Soren stated

I felt bad for him it's not everyday that you see your 'dead father' alive. Am sure it was hitting him hard along with seeing Claudia again.

"Can't Callum do some sort of locater spell on Claudia" Ezran asked looking at Callum

"I can't locate someone with primal magic (a/n just go with I have zero idea if that true but for the sake of making this longer it is) plus even if I could we have nothing of Claudia's" Callum stated He looked at me for a moment we still haven't talked since he hugged me but I really needed to talk to him.

"There's is nothing we can do at the moment. I'll go and talk to the other dragons to see if they know anything that could possibly help us" Zubeia  said

"but the longer we wait the closer Claudia and Viren get closer to Aaravous and that can't happen" Soren almost yelled

"We won't let that happen" Zubeia said with that she went outside and flew off

"Now what?" I asked 

"We wait?" Callum said 

" I can't sit around while Claudia ,Viren and Terry get closer to releasing a mad Elf" Soren said crossing his arms

"Who's Terry?" Ezran asked

"Her Boyfriend am guessing the Earth blood elf" I said 

"She has an boyfriend? That's an elf?" Callum asked raising his eyebrow

"you two lead an example what else do you want me to say" Soren said shrugging his shoulders  "besides how'd you know?"

"held a sword to this throat and by the way she looked at him made a guess and I was correct" 

They all looked at me with questionable looks on there face

"Am going to take a nap" Ezran said 

We all went to do are own things to distracts ourselves I went to sit on a step as everyone left and pulled out the three coins that held my parents and Runaan sitting here I remember when Callum showed me the truth about what my parents did when we first came here and everything seemed better then. I had to find a way to get them out but I was worried that dark magic put them in there and only dark magic can get them out and I didn't want anyone using Dark magic for me especially not Callum. I decided that I should probably go find him at talk to him I needed to know where we stand and if it was possible he could get my parents out of the coins.

I walked up to the top the storm spire I figured he be there since every time we've been here he's usually looking out over the edge. I walked up the last few step and seen him in the same spot he was merely a few days ago with his feet  hanging off the edge.

I walked up beside him "Deja vu for like the third time" I laughed 

he slightly chuckled "ya history likes to repeat itself with us I guess"

"Can we talk?"

he gave me a nod and I sat beside him 

"I feel like every time we sit down here something new changes with us doesn't it" I said looking at him 


"Can I ask you something"

"of course"

"where do we stand? and please be honest with me"

"I don't know Ray I meant what I said am glad your back, and I was happy when you came back but a part of me is still hurt that you left to begin with and of course I want a relationship with you again I just don't know when"

"I understand that but can I tell you the real reason I left more in depth then my letter"

he let out a shaky sigh "okay"

"remember when I had those late morning's, and the late sleepless nights?"

"ya why?"

"It was a recurring nightmare I'd being walking in a cave that had a whole bunch of ice when I got to the end of the cave there was somebody in the ice I ran up to it, my parents in one, Runaan in the other one and then ... you in the other one" I paused for a minute before counting "right as I was about to touch the Ice Viren appeared and told me I'd join you all soon and then I'd wake up"

"Rayla why didn't you ever tell me I could have helped or something"

"I don't know I didn't want to bother you, you all thought he was dead and I was the only who couldn't move pass it even thought I shouldn't have let my revenge cloud my judgment cuz I let it destroy the best thing I had you"

"Rayla you shouldn't have had to go through that alone am sorry I didn't understand how much your parent's death bothered you and should have done more then tell you to move on"

"Oh that's the other thing I may not have been able to kill Viren In Rex's cave but I did get something wanted" I said pulling out the coins

"what's that?"

"This" I showed him the coins

"are those your parents?"

"Ya , Claudia and Viren had them all this time"

"I promise you that I'll find some way to get them out okay"

"I know you will but you can't use dark magic okay promise me that am not going to let you corrupt yourself for me okay"

"I promise, you mean more to me then you'll ever know"

everything seemed to be falling in to place again the sun was setting like it did two years ago when we first sat here but this time something was different I turned his head when the same time as I did and our lips connected It was simple kiss that showed we still had feelings for each other when we pulled away our smiles said it all 

"baby steps" 

"baby steps"

He put his arm around I leaned my head on his shoulder Stella climbed into my lap and we watched the sunset

"can we keep us quite for a bit"

"of course Ray" he kissed my forehead and that was the happiest I've been in a long time


okay so I know the begin shucked but the ending turned out all right didn't it? I was going to wait a few chapter's before they got back together but I thought There wouldn't be a better time and I got excited 

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